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GoldenEye: Source - Status Report: May

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I have actually been wanting it to be a dynamic maximum since beta.  But the issue is people would get kicked, and thats not cool. (yes, we do have a mechanic to stay on larger maps so that wouldn't happen)   We did play with other ways to handle smaller groups on larger maps by "closing" doors and actually making the play area small.  It would then increase once enough players were on the server.

To say the least we are very innovative for a team just remaking an old game...
(I am the reason why in paintball mode the explosions leave a multi-coloured blast mark)

El Dudereno:
Instead of players being kicked what about setting it up so when we vote for the next map the only maps shown are ones that can properly handle the current number of players?  Just brainstorming here.   

The current rotation system only picks maps suitable for the current number of players and E-S's voting plugin works the same way. The problem is that GE:S was not designed for more than 16 players, and most maps work best with around 12. When you add more and more players, the number of suitable maps goes down. When you go above 16, nothing works well. Add many more and things start to break.

Thanks for the kind words and feedback gang!

Here's a bonus new track for...



 Another awesome sounding track man, can't wait to actually hear them all in game haha  :P


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