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The Man With The Golden Gun- Team Variation
I have a suggestion I would like to bring to your attention. It is a new game mode.
The Mode: The Men with The Golden Guns-
Main concept of the game:
There will be two Golden guns. One Golden Gun with be administered to one player from each team each round. Every time a player with the Golden Gun gets a kill against the other Golden gun player the other teammates on the other team will receive a weapon that is more powerful then what weapon they were previously wielding. Making them more stronger BUT here is the twist, when this does occur the team that the player who was wielding the golden gun who had gotten the kill their weapons will be downgraded. Giving them vulnerability. At the start of each round each Golden Gun player will receive 100% armor and each team will have starting locations like in CTK. Also, there will be a limit of deaths for each player, once a player has been killed with the Golden Gun 3 times they are permanently eliminated until the end of the round.
Hm... it's like a thought-inverted Convoy Race, where, instead 2 teams protects its carrier, the carrier protects the team.
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