Just a little observation for you to based upon your comment. You didn't address anything other than the very end which you wanted to address. And vaguely addressed it to with literally nothing based upon the actual message. Goes to show the blinders people decide to wear.
Also for your Entropy-Soldier. I didn't distastefully hijack anything. Man it's hard repeating myself when all it takes is a few renames of a file here and a file there. You are a counter strike and I'm a quake guy. We will never see eye to eye. But again everything you saw was left inside your guys dev folder within materials. That along with one of your rocket launcher skins can have the values changed by the R G B settings in the file to change the color and brightness.
I don't wanna say this but it seems I have to ....... Don't .... You ...... Know ........ Your ..... Own ....... Game?

distasteful: causing dislike or disgust; offensive; unpleasant.
hijacking: illegally seize (files) and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one's own purposes.
Variety: is a principle of design that refers to a way of combining visual elements to achieve intricate and complex relationships. It is a technique used by artists who wish to increase the visual interest of their work.
Distinction: a difference or contrast between similar things or people.
Visual aid: an item of illustrative matter, such as a film, slide, or model, designed to supplement written or spoken information so that it can be understood more easily.
^^^So to me it's art ... ^^^And for you ... I guess it doesn't really make sense? .... But to each their own, and opinion is such a sin I must say.