Editing and Customization > Community Releases
[Map] ge_SPb
Damn, these Streets feels. :D
Nice one, man. The house with a blue light is a new addition of yours or is it a depiction of Valentin's cabaret?
--- Quote from: JohnRDVSMarston on October 11, 2017, 11:32:50 am ---The house with a blue light is a new addition of yours or is it a depiction of Valentin's cabaret?
--- End quote ---
No. This is Easter egg is about the Russian TV series "National Security Agent".
Map is updated:
- added some models
- replaced highpolys cars models to lowpolys cars models
- added new models
- updated some models
- updated bot navigation nodes
- small fixes
Download from 1 post.
Need some discussion about map for next update. Known bugs: Shadows from big tree. Also Dedicated server with FastDl will run this map for gameplay test, etc 12-08-2018.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Server is running, connect
KekC, it's a great map, congratulations. However, it is too big and tiring to play it. Could you reduce it? Thank you!
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