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Author Topic: A way to disable armor? Is it possible  (Read 12320 times)

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A way to disable armor? Is it possible
« on: December 28, 2016, 09:35:30 am »

A couple of friends and I play on a listen server and we found out how, I suppose how OP armor is? If that's the best to describe it, since whoever gets armor is basically a bullet sponge for the first magazine. Was wondering if there was a way to nerf or remove the armor from the server? I suppose removing armor would be too much of a hassle, but is it possible to just edit it so it doesn't give that much of an advantage? I personally enjoy LTK more than anything, but it's just to better our experience with the game, which by the way is great. Just think that armor is a bit overkill at the moment. Nothing special was done to the server, just added sourcemod and played on classic maps/settings of GoldenEye. Server is running at 100 tick.


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Re: A way to disable armor? Is it possible
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2016, 02:06:17 pm »

There is a game mode called armor. It's death match with no armor. Should be a stock game mode, just use it instead of death match.
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Re: A way to disable armor? Is it possible
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2016, 07:48:42 pm »

Thanks, is there a way to imply to other gamemodes? We also enjoy playing the other gamemodes.


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Re: A way to disable armor? Is it possible
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2016, 06:08:34 am »

Armor is a second health bar, so if you haven't been hit yet, you've got twice the amount of health than normal. It is supposed to make you a bullet sponge as that was why it existed in the original game (both for Single Player and Multiplayer), in fact there are even achievements in Source for using the Armor effectively.
You can pick up armor infinite number of times unless you're playing a specific mode like Man With the Golden Gun, where if you have the Golden Gun, you can only pick up armor once until you die.

While the Invulnerability System was modified in 5.0 to balance out weapons and make automatics actually useful as opposed to past releases & the original N64 game, Body Armor is a bit OP on purpose and I highly doubt it'll be changed in future releases. It's one of the things that sets GoldenEye from other FPS games in general because since you don't regenerate health over time, Armor is the only way to get "health" back and can be a real life-saver when you need it. It also makes you desperate to kill your opponent if they're running towards the Armor.

Changing it would make the game start feeling more like any other FPS game and less like GoldenEye, which was the main goal of the mod.
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Re: A way to disable armor? Is it possible
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2016, 06:55:21 pm »

Not OP when you aim to the head. Two CMag headshots and you'll be dead, four with pistols and it's the same story. It just doubles your health. If someone's camping the armor the respawn time of it will increase, and normally maps have more than one armor respawn so you can just get the other and a good weapon to kill the camper.

It's not only GoldenEye, but basically every arena shooter has armor pieces that acts as a second health bar. It doesn't need a nerf.


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Re: A way to disable armor? Is it possible
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2016, 04:27:34 am »

Thanks, is there a way to imply to other gamemodes? We also enjoy playing the other gamemodes.

Which gamemodes would you like without armor? Most don't have it as a pickup, only earned.  Post which ones and someone can make a armor-less version.
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: A way to disable armor? Is it possible
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2016, 05:45:06 pm »

I don't understand the "want" to disable something that is in more games than just Goldeneye. Clearly modern day shooters have made it to where when new players go into an old game which requires you to scout for yourself and support yourself. Lots of players have no idea in how to do so. Lack of map knowledge etc. All these regenerating health shooters and shooters where it requires one player on a team to support his fellow members by being the medic.

Body Armor isn't OP it is a skill in staying alive and being able to understand how to deal damage correctly in order to kill the body armor holder. Since this is a console shooter of the arena era maybe I can somewhat understand the perspective. But I come from Quake Live and just arena shooters in general. I'm use to having 8 weapons at my disposal and being able to control a map in order to stay alive. There is a reason as to why no one has ever said "ARMOR is just to OP to enjoy Quake".. Because it doesn't make any sense. There is a Quakecon every year in Texas that puts 2 players against one another in order to control a map and just because one player may have 150 HP and 200 Armor and the other only 100 HP and 50 Armor doesn't even mean that the player currently in control will win within the 10 minute period Duels have in place.

There is a gamemode called "insta" in Quake Live which is basically the same as LTK. You die in one shot but the skill cap for it is low. Just because you might be the best insta player in the world. As soon as you are put against other players or a player who is use to knowledge of the map and weapon skill. Your "LTK" no longer holds any traction in an actual gamemode that requires more knowledge than just a one shot kill. Plus in Goldeneye Source the constant annoyance of 4 shots to the head or anywhere not registering based upon balance the game puts in place and the other player landing just one and killing you. Really defeats the purpose and lust for LTK in general. Use to be a gamemode called "BYPASS" which is basically perfect dark in the sense of you can be melted instantly because there is no delay in hit detection. Combine that mode with LTK and then maybe LTK would hold some form of gravel.

But eh. Learn the map learn the guns learn the physics of the game. goldeneye is extremely simple in comparison to other shooters of that era. Body Armor is in no way OP modern day shooters have just held your hand far to much to where as soon as you jump in an old game. You lack the ability to fend for yourself because the hand holding is no longer there.
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