Editing and Customization > General Discussion

(Gametype) For your eyes only


At the start of the round, every player is assigned a target, and a VIP, the VIP has to be protected from harm, and the target must be killed.

Killing the target nets you points, but losing your VIP or killing a player unrelated to you will make you lose points. However, killing a player with you as their target will not give you a penalty.

After killing a target, you get a new target, the same applies to your VIP.

This would become a game of paranoia, who is on whos side, and who is your assassin?

As expected from the title, For Your Eyes Only relates to how only you know who to kill and who to protect.
Then again, the theme might also fit a title like "From Russia With Love" which featured the theme of paranoia, assassination and unlikely allies.


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