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Author Topic: A simple to-do list help give a better overview on what is left.  (Read 18696 times)

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A simple to-do list help give a better overview on what is left.
« on: September 23, 2016, 06:34:16 am »

Probably unnecesery, but I wanted to make this to aid both devs and fans get a better overview on what remains of the core game to be done:


XBOX Live Dam??? (takes place on the dam itself)
Siberia (I know there is a v.4 that still works really good)
Unfinished Bunker???
Statue Park
Cuban Jungle
Modern Library
Modern Stack
Modern Citadel
Classic Citadel


Scientist (a) DOCTOR DOAK
Janus Marine
Naval Officer
Helicopter Pilot
St. Petersburg Guard
Civilian (a)
Civilian (b)
Civilian (c)
Civilian (d)
Siberian Guard (a)
Siberian Guard (b)
Arctic Commando
Siberian Special Forces
Jungle Commando
Janus Special Force
Moonraker Elite (a)
Moonraker Elite (b)
All Bonds
Retro Characters???

Hope this helps. :)


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Re: A simple to-do list help give a better overview on what is left.
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2016, 01:19:42 pm »

You forgot to add Singleplayer to the list. XD

Seriously, we know what's missing.

Some stuff is missing due to the lack of resources, other stuff simply because it's not finished yet and a few things because they just don't work out in a online multiplayer enviroment with up to 16 players.

A few examples...

Dam backzone: much to linear and not enough alternate routes.
If you think Cradle has a bad gameplay with a lot of camping and sniping players, this one would even be worse.

Train: literally just a linear row of rooms.
The only way this could work out is by extending the play area to the enviroment outside the train.
But then the train becomes less important and we'd have another map that is pretty much like Depot.

Jungle: let's face it, source isn't an engine designed for huge outdoor enviroments, so a big jungle with lots of trees and plants would bring it down to it's knees.
Beside that, the original is very linear too, so heavy alternations would be required.
For now, just imagine ge_caves beeing located right under the cuban jungle.

Citadel: has seen at least two custom maps released. One with a complex like style and one with temple/aztec style. If they are fixed for 5.0, there's no need for another version unless it's drastically different from the current ones.

None of these maps were part of the original multiplayer, so they are somewhat low on the priority list.

Of course, if some thirdparty mappers wanna try their hands on any of these maps, they're welcome to.


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Re: A simple to-do list help give a better overview on what is left.
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2016, 03:50:15 am »

Also still missing some weapons. Watch laser, sniper rifle slap, tazerboy, tank. Sure I'm missing one but still plenty missing, just time and resources.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 02:26:30 pm by major »
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: A simple to-do list help give a better overview on what is left.
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2016, 04:06:45 am »

Also still missing some weapons. Watch laser, sniper rifle slap, tazerboy, tank. Sure I'm missing one but still plenty missing, just fine and resources.

Bond "Paintbrush" Slappers Unarmed Slappers?


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Re: A simple to-do list help give a better overview on what is left.
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2016, 04:37:30 pm »

While we're at it, let's throw in a tracker bug, a camera, a watch magnet, and some plastiques... [/sarcasm]

I think the developers have done a great job prioritizing the items and maps needed to relive the GE multiplayer experience while also giving us a few fun bonuses.

The other maps and items/weapons in this thread would be nice from a "whatif" perspective, but I don't think it's the end of the world if they never get implemented. They should be made by someone who wants to recreating the singleplayer campaign as a side project.

That said, there are still some major omissions from the character selection, I assume due more to lack of resources than lack of interest. We have none of the female main characters (the second and fourth slots on the N64 character selection), even though we have Mayday running around and women appear to be the first to make strides in Goldeneye science.

Helicopter Pilot was my favorite as a kid, and as much as I'd love to play as Siberian Special Forces or Moonraker Elite, those are always going to be near the bottom of the priority list...

PS. The tazerboy already exists. You can shoot at it in Silo...


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Re: A simple to-do list help give a better overview on what is left.
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2016, 06:35:55 pm »

Yes, character issues are largely due to the fact that we don't currently have a character artist. All the current characters have been in the mod for many years (with the exception of the Russian soldiers) and it's pretty evident when you look at the quality of some of them.

As Kraid pointed out, the engine doesn't play well with huge, outdoor maps. At least not while trying to maintain the quality and level of detail we strive for. Maps like Jungle, Statue Park or Surface, while not impossible to create, would be subject to potentially massive performance hits.
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