Just played a match of YOLT on your map.
Most vital thing first: the lack of ammo boxes make certain weapons like mines, genades and other ammo only weapons unusable.
As for the map itself, i don't like the ammount of closed doors that also open very slowly.
I killed more ppl through closed doors with penetrating weapons then in face to face combat.
The overall layout is very confusing, dense and narrow.
Visually it's improvable, but that's expectable for an alpha release.
What's putting me off is the size relation mostly of the architecture.
e.g. the Door size in relation to the room height.
Doors are much to thick too, more like moving walls then doors.
Again, lots of textures are scaled to big.
There's a significant lack of geometry detail starting on door and window frames.
The overall layout is very confusing and there seems no real logic behind the placement of rooms, theme wise.
For example:
Why is the kitchen located next to the big bedroom instead of the ground floor, like in every other villa?
Why is there an area that looks like a library right next to the entrance tunnel and a shower next to the garage?
Why does the garden area look like an industrial dock?
Why there is something that looks like a boat bridge when there's no open water bay?