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3D modeler for Xenia Onatopp character model


I would like to model Xenia Onatopp for Goldeneye source as a in game model. I ve been doing game development for about 6 years. Xenia is generally one of my favorite characters in the golden eye series and I used to play her a lot back in the early days on N64.  I have model various thing over my life time and understand poly limits ect.

Please show us some of your work!

These are some of the works I have done a Tank, a match and smoking rolling g papers paper container. disclaimer I haven't done any character models Im still  learning but can pretty much model anything that comes to mind. Ive also done a horror game in the past and modeled quiet a few object for it. >>> . I have yet to learn rigging a model but Im fully confident I can model one for game considering the model quiet low poly and I can also unwrap the model and could also texture it or recieve some help. She one of my favorite char I hope you could give me a chance to contribute towards the game thank you.

Thanks for showing us some of your work.

For us to consider you for a character artist position we would really need to see some work of that nature to gauge your capabilities, especially since character art is often more demanding and uses a slightly different skill set from hard surface modelling. If you don't have any then I'm afraid we can't consider you for the position at this time, but that doesn't rule you out from applying in the future when you have some more experience in character modelling.


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