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Game making pc crash 5 min into a match

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i played this game a lot before but since update 5.0 everytime i join a match, on a online server or a lan one, my pc will bluescreen and crash, making me restart it and try again, so it will happen again. i need help with this since id like to enjoy the game quickly again like i used to. im not sre about this but im thinking the crashing mostly happens when i play deathmatch mode, but not on any specific map

Topics like this require at least some additional information about your hardware specs, operating system and game settings.

I had major issue's at first with 5.0, first thing I would say is try re-installing the mod, re-installing helped with some of my issues. Also, do you have on board sound? If yes, try disabling your sound in Device Manager and see if it still crashes/blue screens... The reason I say this is because I had problems myself and it turned out to be an issue with my on board sound, more than likely didn't like the drivers, but since putting a C-Media sound card in the game has been running great with a steady frame rate.


--- Quote from: kraid on September 22, 2016, 01:25:39 pm ---Topics like this require at least some additional information about your hardware specs, operating system and game settings.

--- End quote ---
8GB eam
Fx-4200 4 core CPU @4.1 GHz
Radeon HD 7770 x2 (crossfire)
1 Tb Western digital blue

 all settings on the video tab are to the Max except the filtering mode, its on trilinear. 1980x1080, fullscreen.

Are you able to play other demanding games on that machine for longer and without PC crash?


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