Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes
[ISSUE] Are The Arsenal Weapon Levels Incrementing Correctly?
In the Arsenal game mode, players are meant to start with the most powerful weapon and as they level up, their current weapon changes to a progressively weaker one. The current implementation seems to be the opposite of that. This is most noticeable with the "Entropy Set".
When looking at the "weapon_sets_custom.txt" I noticed each weapon set has an index. It even mentions the following in the documentation header of that same file.
--- Quote ---The slots go from weakest to strongest (0-7) AND MAPS ARE DESIGNED AROUND THIS, so plan accordingly
--- End quote ---
In the ..\GamePlay\ file, there are at least a couple of functions (most notably ar_PrintCurLevel() & ar_GivePlayerWeapons()) that reference this list of weapons by saying the following.
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With the level incrementing, it's only getting the stronger weapon each time. Shouldn't the implementation be the following instead?
--- Code: ---
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That way it'll reverse the order from "weakest -> strongest" to "strongest -> weakest" and return the appropriate weapon.
Each mode can get its own script files for weapon sets, and you have the ability to allow or disallow specific global sets for modes, so should not be a problem. The weapon sets (the default ones, at least) you see when playing Arsenal were specifically supposed to be used with that mode.
It shouldn't matter if you have the ability to allow custom sets. If the game mode is supposed to be "strongest -> weakest", then it should work as such. The user shouldn't have to create two weapon sets, set1 and set1-reversed, just to be able to properly play a game mode with a set they like. That's bad HCI.
Generally speaking, with the progression of weapons and duplicating weapons between levels, most sets designed for other modes won't play well with Arsenal anyhow.
Ah, that's a good point, but couldn't the duplicate weapons be removed programmatically with
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I know that'd change the possible number of levels, but in my mind that and the number of kills per level should be easily modifiable anyways.
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