Hi, it looks like nobody reported it before, haven't find this issue in forums, but if it was not yet reported, it surprises me since this bug is obvious.

The ge_library_classic maps in GE:S 5.0 is a kind of clone of ge_stack_classic (the models contains both the basement and the stack part even if some details suggest they don't have the same map source) but its gameplay is a kind of clone of ge_basement_classic since, even if the latest model only feature the basement part, both are playable on the basement part only. It's expected for the ge_basement_classic map, not for the ge_library_classic map.

Both ge_library_classic and ge_basement_classic maps have doors and both have only the lower (basement) part playable.
It's OK in ge_basement_classic, it's not OK in ge_library_classic. The ge_library_classic must allow players to play on both basement and stack part of the map, currently, the two parts are separated by doors like in ge_basement_classic, and there is no player/ammo/weapon/armoury spawn point in the stack part of ge_library_classic, so players only play on the basement part, which is not the purpose of the ge_library_classic map but the purpose of the ge_stack_classic map. The ge_library_classic map must connect both parts.
The fun stuff is since there is also an more modern-looking ge_basement map, GE:S 5.0 ships 3 basement map and no one library map (and in contrary to the GE:S 4.2 basement map, there is no hidden WIP library part behind the doors

The other fun stuff is the ge_library_classic loading screen clearly shows both basement and stack screenshot, even if only the basement part is playable.