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Author Topic: [NOTABUG] [map] ge_library_classic only playable on the basement part  (Read 11130 times)

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Hi, it looks like nobody reported it before, haven't find this issue in forums, but if it was not yet reported, it surprises me since this bug is obvious. ;D

The ge_library_classic maps in GE:S 5.0 is a kind of clone of ge_stack_classic (the models contains both the basement and the stack part even if some details suggest they don't have the same map source) but its gameplay is a kind of clone of ge_basement_classic since, even if the latest model only feature the basement part, both are playable on the basement part only. It's expected for the ge_basement_classic map, not for the ge_library_classic map.  ;D

Both ge_library_classic and ge_basement_classic maps have doors and both have only the lower (basement) part playable.

It's OK in ge_basement_classic, it's not OK in ge_library_classic. The ge_library_classic must allow players to play on both basement and stack part of the map, currently, the two parts are separated by doors like in ge_basement_classic, and there is no player/ammo/weapon/armoury spawn point in the stack part of ge_library_classic, so players only play on the basement part, which is not the purpose of the ge_library_classic map but the purpose of the ge_stack_classic map. The ge_library_classic map must connect both parts.

The fun stuff is since there is also an more modern-looking ge_basement map, GE:S 5.0 ships 3 basement map and no one library map (and in contrary to the GE:S 4.2 basement map, there is no hidden WIP library part behind the doors :P )

The other fun stuff is the ge_library_classic loading screen clearly shows both basement and stack screenshot, even if only the basement part is playable.  ;D
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 01:04:51 am by illwieckz »


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Re: [BUG] [map] ge_library_classic only playable on the basement part
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2016, 12:54:20 am »

We have ge_basement_classic, which is only the basement; ge_stack_classic, which is only the top / library part; and ge_library_classic, which is the whole map. The top will stay locked until enough players connect though, just like in 4.2's Runway map.

After the player threshold is reached (Not sure if it's 6 or 8 ), stack will open and people is able to play around the whole map. This is working as expected.

ge_basement was completely remade from scratch for 5.0 so that's why the library part is no longer included, ge_library has been scrapped since the person who was working on it retired from development. It may appear in a future release.


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Re: [BUG] [map] ge_library_classic only playable on the basement part
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2016, 01:02:16 am »

Ah, OK. It also explains why the doors do not render the same way on both maps, it's a movable one on ge_library_classic.

Btw, does it mean the whole ge_library_classic map can't be played with 4 players like it was on N64? I've seen some servers hosting ge_*_classic maps with server_n64_classic.cfg config and 4 slots only.


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Re: [BUG] [map] ge_library_classic only playable on the basement part
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2016, 01:06:40 am »

If the threshold is not 4, then you're right and you can't play the whole map with classic settings. If this is true it should be addressed.


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Re: [NOTABUG] [map] ge_library_classic only playable on the basement part
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2016, 01:30:52 am »

I managed to play on both part of the library map on a 4 slot LAN server with two bots (3 slots used) while the bot limit is set to 5.
On a 4 slot LAN server with bot limit set to 4, with 1 real player and 2 bot (3 slots used), only the basement is playable.

So, the threshold with bots is somewhat magical. I have no friends awaken right now to test it with 4 real players on a 4 slot server with bot limit set to 0.
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