GesFX Version 2.0I have now moved everything over to Reshade Version 2.0.
Things to Note1. Your game may freeze for a few seconds as Reshades settings apply, this is normal.
2. In Goldeneye Source's Advanced Video Settings, set "High Dynamic Range" to none. It's not a requirement, but will deal with possible over brightness due to conflict
with Reshades settings which already use a similiar effect.
3. Forcing Nvidia's Desktop Colour Settings in Control Panel will conflict with Reshade causing adverse affects like over brightness and possible light bleeds.
4. If you have any other software that hooks into DirectX, you will need to deactivate it to avoid conflict with Reshade.
5. Steam Overlay can cause Gamma levels to increase drastically, but only when it pops up a message. I would recommend turning the in game overlay off in Steams
"In Game" options.
6. It's not a requirement, but I recommend downloading my darker, less saturated crosshair to go with this, the original is very bright and can make it difficult to see
what your shooting when targeting long distant enemies:-,8447.0.htmlComparisonsSubtle VersionBEFORE...

Brighter VersionBEFORE...

Subtle Version & Brighter Version comparisonSUBTLE...


Go here for more screenshots:-
Subtle: and InstallGesFX Version 2.0 has 2 versions, Subtle and Brighter:-
The Subtle version applys the effect with almost no change to the vibrance and slight change to shadows, this makes it ideal for bright well contrasted displays.
The Brighter version applys the effect with added vibrance and more darkening of shadows, this one is best for faded/washed out displays (Like mine).
1. Delete any previous version. The files to delete are:-
Reshade (folder)
They are located in your "Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\bin\" folder.
2. Download GesFX Version 2.0 from here:- Extract "", choose which version you want, and copy/drag the contents of the folder to:-
Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\bin\
Guide to Changing Reshade Settings in GameFirst thing to do is change your video settings in Goldeneye Source to Windowed mode, and a resolution lower than your native (desktop), enough to leave you some space on the desktop to edit the Reshade configuration files.
Once you have changed these settings, apply them and quit Goldeneye Source, then reload (this is related to possible instability after changing settings, reloading is always best when changing video settings).
Goldeneye Source should now load in Windowed mode, you want your window size to be something like this...

As you can see in the above picture, I have pressed the "Windows" key next to left CTRL on the keyboard. This not only brings up the Start menu, but takes mouse control from the game, this will come in very handy for moving between Reshade settings and the game.
Now, on Goldeneye Source menu Create a Server and select no bots, select "0" for Map Time and Round Time (Means infinite), and set a password so no one can join, you don't want to be interupted while your editing Reshade. Once the game has loaded, pres the "Windows" logo key on the keyboard, the start menu will appear, just click on the desktop.
Now head to the Reshade files in "Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\bin\ReShade\Presets\Default". In here you will find all the necessary "cfg" files for editing the Reshade settings.

The main file to focus on for now is:-
We'll try an experiment with this file to give you an example. So, to start off double click "Shaders_by_IDDQD.cfg", and if requested, choose to open with "Notepad". Below the "VHS" settings, you'll see "DosFX", and this line just under the header:-
#define USE_DOSFX 0
Change the "0" to a "1", then hold "CTRL" & press "S" to save the change, the newly applied setting will cause Reshade to reset on the fly while the game is still running, the effect is immediate, your game should look pixelated now. To return to normal just put the setting back to zero. This can save you a lot of time by removing the need to enter and exit the game to see changes, it's also beneficial to the learning process seeing immediate results.
And that's how you change Reshade on the fly. I hope this guide proves useful, any questions, just ask.