Debriefing > Off-Topic Lounge
Pictures from your city and region
I grew up here:
and now i live here:
(that is in fact the only decent picture i can find of plymouth. google images evidently doesn't know we exist, much like the rest of the country/world)
Ã…lesund looks so damn awesome, gotta go there sometime
this is where i always lived
belo horizonte, brazil's 3rd biggest city if im not wrong. too damn big, 5 million inhabitants
it means 'beautiful horizon' in portuguese
--- Quote from: fonfa on August 11, 2007, 02:58:07 pm ---Ã…lesund looks so damn awesome, gotta go there sometime
--- End quote ---
You should!
I can't imagine how it must be to live in a big city like Belo Horizonte! Oslo (500.000 inhabitants) is big enough for me! But I've always wanted to go to Brazil some time...
Here are some more pictures from Ã…lesund:
Ã…lesund is a nice looking place, still wouldn't live any where else but Australia though
I can't believe just how shit Plymouth is compared to these places.
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