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LAN game settings
IS it possible to host a private LAN game? If so, is it different from hosting a public server online? How do I go about this?
Of course this is possible and should be even easier then doing the same for an online server, since you do not need to open Ports on your router.
Either you create a listenserver through the ingame option "create server" or you set up a dedicated server.
The difference is that the first one will remain active as long as the one who created it doesn't quit the server and/or the game, while the second one is an independent process and could also be hosted on another PC which is not used for gaming.
follow Valve's guide on setting up a server.
and enable the setting sv_lan 1 and it will not broadcast to the global server list.
install steam cmd for windows (no linux server currently)
download the server files
install server with steam cmd install app 218
copy the zip to the /steamcmd/steamapps/common/source base 2007/ folder should end in 2007/gesource
edit the server.cfg file in /gesource/cfg/ folder (make sure to find sv_lan and set it to 1)
create a shortcut to srcds.exe start server with:
--- Code: ---
srcds.exe -game gesource -console -maxplayers 16 +sv_lan 1 +map ge_archives +exec server.cfg
--- End code ---
I already have Goldeneye Source 5.0 installed, and I have Steam as well as the Source SDK Base 2007. There is a box I can check when creating a server that says it enables LAN. Is that all I need to do?
yes that will work, but keep in mind if you are having friends join your game the performance for them will be horrible.
playing and hosting the same time within the game causes some major lag for clients.
if you just want to play around and play by yourself or with one buddy it wont be a issue.
but you will get a huge fps loss.
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