Editing and Customization > General Discussion

Custom Weapon Skins


Of course as anyone who has played GoldenEye Source this August you will find that the DD44 has been replaced with an ivory gripped version of it. My question is that what kind of plans do the developers have on creating custom weapon skins for select weapons. I personally think that an ebony and ivory (if there ever will be dual wielding in this mod) version of the DD44 would be amazing and a golden Cougar Magnum as an homage to Goldfinger's golden revolver would also be nice. I was playing the other day and I spotted Luchador with his watermelon KF7. I think that there should be an achievement of sorts (eg. Watermelon Jam) where you would have to kill him with his own KF7.


There is a achievement already to kill a Dev with their Klobb(not sure if works with Luch's KF7 as well).


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