Under OPTIONS - then VOICE tab.
By default, the "Enable voice in this game" box is checked and the "Boost microphone gain" box is checked. Both boxes have a check mark in them. Also, "Voice transmit volume*" and "Voice receive volume*" are on full and pegged completely to the right or full on, for sending and receiving voice in the game.
I didn't want voice on so I unchecked both the boxes and pegged both "Voice transmit volume" and "Voice receive volume*" completely to the left, or off -then click APPLY -then OK, which closed the OPTIONS menus. When I clicked on OPTIONS again to open the menu's and clicked the VOICE tab, the "Boost microphone gain" box was checked again, and the "Voice transmit volume*" was again, pegged all the way to the right or full on. "Enable voice in this game" remained unchecked, and "Voice receive volume*" remained unchanged and pegged to the left.
When the OPTIONS menu is opened, and the OFF changes in the VOICE menu are made, then OPTIONS ok'd and closed, and then OPTIONS opened again, the "Boost microphone gain" box is checked again, all on its own, and the "Voice transmit volume*" is pegged completely to the right again, all on its own.
The bug doesn't stop there tho. And I think this is where the termite hackers are coming in. Someone who turns everything in VOICE off and then closes OPTIONS will probably not check their voice menu again for quite awhile.
IF a hacker can crack the game and cause the "Test Microphone" button to be digitally depressed, the check box for "Enable voice in this game" rechecks itself again, all on its own. The hacker then must digitally cause the "Stop microphone test" button to depress. "Enable voice in this game" stays checked, all on its own, along with the check box for microphone gain, and full transmit volume. -Then the hacker digitally clicks APPLY or OK.
What this does is give the hacker complete voice access into your room from your computer. The communication becomes two-way if the game owner ONLY unchecked the boxes and left the transmit AND receive settings untouched or completely pegged to the right, clicked OK and then closed the OPTIONS menu. It is becoming very quickly a common hack, at least for the western servers and north to Chicago, Illinois and south to Dallas, Texas. Those are the only servers I have been able to reach in extremity, so far.
It appears that in order to do the hack, the player or players MUST be active on the game map. Meaning, they must have a character ALIVE and in the game. Usually, this appears to be just standing unmoving at the spawn point or some quiet place on the map where the character will not be killed or disturbed, while the hacker does his or her hack job. Apparently, in first-person shooters, killing the character also kills the hack process.
Counter-Strike, all versions up to and including CS-Source (I haven't played CS:GO) have the same problem of characters standing around doing nothing while the game owners hack. I am assuming that it is a server side hack. Meaning, some servers of GE_Source and CS_Source are up ONLY for the purpose of hacking other unsuspecting players computers via the game they are playing, on-line. In CS, I'm not sure where they are getting in on the several types of Counter-Strike games, but hacking the games is common and some even brag about it in CHAT.
Getting back to Golden Eye v5.0, the current hack is thru VOICE and "Enable voice for this game" by digitally depressing the "Test Microphone" button, which rechecks, "Enable voice in this game", and a hack for the "APPLY" or "OK" button.
The BUG is a technical programmer bug in the "Voice transmit volume" bar pegging to the right, all on its own, and the check boxes, for "Boost microphone gain", rechecking itself, all on its own. The bug that rechecks "Enable voice in this game", can be manually demonstrated by clicking the "Test Microphone" AFTER all of the fore-going in VOICE are turned off, the OPTIONS menu closed, and then re-opened.
For the termite hack, it appears the OPTIONS menu does NOT need to be opened again for the check boxes to be re-checked or the transmit volume bar to be all the way to the right again. Meaning, the changes appear to be done below the GUI (Graphical User Interface). In other words, at the interface where the machine language of the motherboard talks to the software running on it.
The bugs for Voice aspects re-enabling after being turned off.
Got a fix? :]
The Specialist