Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback

Some feedback from a new player

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--- Quote from: Kiihhu on August 14, 2016, 09:12:05 pm ---left clicking does nothing... You will still respawn after a fixed delay time.

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Okay I understand this now, sorry. Basically "Press Start" is not only nostalgia but it's 100% cosmetic or vanity.

--- Quote from: Kiihhu on August 14, 2016, 09:12:05 pm ---It is supposed to be almost "shotguns only match"

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--- Quote from: Kiihhu on August 14, 2016, 09:12:05 pm ---I remember in the previous version of this mod this particular weapon set was very common on many servers and I remember it was one of my least favourites also. I liked accurate guns and didn't care for spammy ones. Maybe it still is equally common, too soon to say.

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This may have been the case, I'm not sure. It was a Golden Gun match and it was just very frustrating. Bad luck I guess.

Severs will sort themselves out with time. Server owners will see what's popular and adjust for that.

If you own a server you can edit all the weapon sets and adjust however you want. Add custom ones, remove some guns, add voting for sets, all up to your imagination.

I do agree the 'click start' is a little odd. I would like it to force you to click to spawn. That way I could type and not spawn and die or minimize for a second.

But then would mess with some game modes. I remember it being a setting or discussion at one time, could still be.

"Press Start" was originally programmed by KM to actually make you click to respond, but people complained to much and it started becoming "automatic" because it was "too much work and unnecessary." I would prefer it to controlled by you actually clicking as well, but that is my opinion.

That was my favorite gui  sequence to program too :-)


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