Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback
Some feedback from a new player
I get the impression that the gunplay is supposed to be reminiscent of the original game, but it does feel a bit spongy. I don't want to make excuses for my skill or the lack of skill, but there were a lot of moments where I pump players full of lead and they don't die. Speaking of people not dying, hit detection feels a little funny but again, this is just a hunch and could just be me being bad.
This one however is not just me being crazy, I counted picking up 6 shotguns in a row in a regular match, and I'm certain it happens across multiple matches, multiple maps and multiple servers. I was pretty doubtful but I checked the weapon loadout pop up, sometimes it's 3 shotguns out of 8 guns and that is way too much. Even if shotguns show up less than 3 out of 8, I feel like every spawn I come across is a shotgun. I was legit going to go mad and I feel this is the #1 thing to go under some extra tuning. On the topic of shotguns, I cannot get any kills with them. Feels like nobody goes down after a few blasts to the body and head.
I wanted to try the different modes but it's really hard when game modes are rapidly changing. Everytime I want to try a golden gun server, the match ends and the mode changes, I leave the server, join another, and it repeats itself. Not a technical issue, but I feel like I have to avoid some hoops to explore the game's offerings.
One last major issue is CPU usage. I looked around and it seems the Source engine you are using doesn't utilize or doesn't have multicore rendering. My core 1 is constantly maxed and it's constantly causing my OBS to drop frames from my stream because of the core 1 spiking. I tried to frame limit using vsync but that seems to have zero effect, +fps_max in my command line didn't work, using vsync in my Nvidia control panel didn't work, however fps_max did work but only when used in menus. But even after it relieved some stress on core 1, my stream was still dropping frames like mad even though this never happens with other games. This one is a mystery.
Little quality of life things that need to be looked at:
* having to manually close the match results when a new round begins
* when you die, "Press Start" appears but clicking doesn't do anything until seconds later, somewhat interfering with the pacing
Things that surprised me was the amazing soundtrack and the remake of the Casino Royale environment. Nice work.
--- Quote from: SpaceFolding on August 14, 2016, 05:44:40 am ---I get the impression that the gunplay is supposed to be reminiscent of the original game, but it does feel a bit spongy. I don't want to make excuses for my skill or the lack of skill, but there were a lot of moments where I pump players full of lead and they don't die. Speaking of people not dying, hit detection feels a little funny but again, this is just a hunch and could just be me being bad.
This one however is not just me being crazy, I counted picking up 6 shotguns in a row in a regular match, and I'm certain it happens across multiple matches, multiple maps and multiple servers. I was pretty doubtful but I checked the weapon loadout pop up, sometimes it's 3 shotguns out of 8 guns and that is way too much. Even if shotguns show up less than 3 out of 8, I feel like every spawn I come across is a shotgun. I was legit going to go mad and I feel this is the #1 thing to go under some extra tuning. On the topic of shotguns, I cannot get any kills with them. Feels like nobody goes down after a few blasts to the body and head.
I wanted to try the different modes but it's really hard when game modes are rapidly changing. Everytime I want to try a golden gun server, the match ends and the mode changes, I leave the server, join another, and it repeats itself. Not a technical issue, but I feel like I have to avoid some hoops to explore the game's offerings.
One last major issue is CPU usage. I looked around and it seems the Source engine you are using doesn't utilize or doesn't have multicore rendering. My core 1 is constantly maxed and it's constantly causing my OBS to drop frames from my stream because of the core 1 spiking. I tried to frame limit using vsync but that seems to have zero effect, +fps_max in my command line didn't work, using vsync in my Nvidia control panel didn't work, however fps_max did work but only when used in menus. But even after it relieved some stress on core 1, my stream was still dropping frames like mad even though this never happens with other games. This one is a mystery.
Little quality of life things that need to be looked at:
* having to manually close the match results when a new round begins
* when you die, "Press Start" appears but clicking doesn't do anything until seconds later, somewhat interfering with the pacing
Things that surprised me was the amazing soundtrack and the remake of the Casino Royale environment. Nice work.
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Hit Detection is a lot more accurate for this update. Different weapons have different rewards. I believe Pistols reward headshots, SMGs reward spray and pray (as long as it hits the target continuously), and Rifles reward bursts and single shots.
Not too sure what you're saying with the beginning of the 2nd paragraph. Shotguns don't reward longer ranges that other weapons could reach. They're buckshot so the spread is pretty spaced out. As for picking them up, you might just be spawning with one as the starting weapon or near a bunch of areas with them.
Every server has its own way of performing gamemodes. Not to promote here, but SovietSpaghetti's LTK server for instance will constantly play LTK. Man With the Golden Gun can be switched by an admin of that particular server.
As far as CPU usage, I've noticed that I can't do Multi-Core Rendering in the Options myself. It's left as blank. My guess is that my machine doesn't have to worry about it because it's fast, but it's something I never put much thought into.
As for your life qualities: 1.) That doesn't happen all the time. 2.) Press Start is there for the nostalgic feeling. Same with the blood screen effect. Think of it as a "wait 5...4...3, etc. seconds to spawn". Just nostalgia and trying to be close to the original N64 game as possible. No one can respawn any faster than the client will allow them.
As for your shotgun issue, our game uses a huge ammount of different weapon loadouts. You might just have hit one or two where shotguns are very prominent.
Other weaponsets will give you a completly different experience.
The pacing of the gamemode change depends on the server setup.
Since 5.0 is pretty new, lots of servers just use one of the default templates that come with the installer.
Give it some time and i'm sure some server admins will dive somewhat deeper into the settings and make use of the flexibility we offer.
Maybe you can even find some 24/7 single gamemode servers then.
Source 2007 sadly doesn't offer Multicore support for mods, but maybe OBS could be convinced to use other cores for it's computing.
There's an option to close the End of Round Report at the start of a new round automatically. (advanced multiplayer options)
The "press start" is just there for nostalgia. I'm sure you wouldn't want to press the start button on your PC during the game anyway. ;)
--- Quote from: codemaster94 on August 14, 2016, 07:18:03 am ---As for picking them up, you might just be spawning with one as the starting weapon or near a bunch of areas with them.
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--- Quote from: kraid on August 14, 2016, 08:04:30 am ---As for your shotgun issue, our game uses a huge ammount of different weapon loadouts. You might just have hit one or two where shotguns are very prominent.
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I thought about this for a long time because there's no way the game is playing a sick joke on me, but I just ran through my VOD and I found a clip describing my experience.
I found 7 (seven) shotguns, 1 of them being a duplicate spawn which I won't count, and the last one I didn't even bother picking up because I was already so upset that I had to stop playing to vent about it in chat. I know it seems like a trivial thing but this was happening in every map I played since I installed yesterday. These shotguns keep following me to every server, and it doesn't help at this current state because shotguns are the most unfun weapons to use. I know the developers obviously didn't program this in, but it's some ridiculous stuff.
--- Quote from: codemaster94 on August 14, 2016, 07:18:03 am ---2.) Press Start is there for the nostalgic feeling. Same with the blood screen effect. Think of it as a "wait 5...4...3, etc. seconds to spawn". Just nostalgia and trying to be close to the original N64 game as possible. No one can respawn any faster than the client will allow them.
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--- Quote from: kraid on August 14, 2016, 08:04:30 am ---The "press start" is just there for nostalgia. I'm sure you wouldn't want to press the start button on your PC during the game anyway. ;)
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I definitely understand this, but I'm talking about when the words "Press Start" appear, clicking won't actually do anything. It means the message is appearing just a tad too early, or the ability to click to respawn is happening too late. Just sync those two closer together and we're good. Don't let that message appear unless the game is ready to let me click to spawn down to that very split second, because right now whenever "Press Start" appears, I have to spam my left click half a dozen times before it actually lets me respawn.
As Kraid and codemaster tried to tell you, left clicking does nothing. It doesn't matter if you start and keep clicking right away the at moment you die until the moment you respawn, and it doesn't matter if don't click at all at any point. You will still respawn after a fixed delay time. :)
I bet that weapon set you were talking about is "Shotguns". It is supposed to be almost "shotguns only match", there may be a single Cougar Magnum pistol or D5K Deutche submachine gun in the set, but it's pretty much a war between shotguns. I remember in the previous version of this mod this particular weapon set was very common on many servers and I remember it was one of my least favourites also. I liked accurate guns and didn't care for spammy ones. Maybe it still is equally common, too soon to say.
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