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Author Topic: First impression and some questions (GES 5.0)  (Read 9000 times)

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First impression and some questions (GES 5.0)
« on: August 13, 2016, 04:17:30 pm »

Hello to all GES fans and insanely loud applause to the whole developer team! :)

The GES 5.0 looks and feels great, although it feels very different than 4.2! I don't exactly know yet why it feels different, I'm still figuring that out (and this is not a complaint!). Maybe someone can help me with this and answer some of my questions. :)

Question 1. Has the point where to shoot (where the crosshair would be if it was visible) shifted slightly to the left since GES 4.2?
Maybe it's just an illusion due to updated weapon models (for example a shorter PP7 model than previously) or maybe I have just lost it for not playing GES in while.

Question 2. Are the GES wiki pages concerning weapons completely up to date?
I can see the damage data has been updated but some claims seem outdated. Weapon models are definitely outdated, but that doesn't really matter.

For example PP7: "While it is louder than it's silenced counterpart, it is more accurate, making sniping easier." Is it still more accurate? The in-game weapon info (that appears when I press "F" key) makes PP7 and Silenced PP7 seem identical (also with DD44), with the exception of the Silenced version not leaving a tracer, but the "Weapons" wiki page still claims regular PP7 is more accurate and this is what I choose to believe. Please tell me if I came to the wrong conclusion.

For example Sniper Rifle: "The Sniper Rifle provides the steady hand with unparalleled long-range combat capability, but is no slouch in close quarters, where _it can hold its own against powerful pistols and mid-level sub-machine guns_." Is the last claim (bold) still true? To me it seems the (headshot) damage has been nerfed down from 6 bars to 4 bars of health. As far as I can remember the sniper rifle used to do 75 damage (same as AR33) and 100 damage used to correspond 8 bars of health/armor. If a Sniper Rifle headshot now does 4 bars of damage it has the same damage as basic pistols but its fire rate is lower than theirs, which makes me not want to use it against powerful weapons, like before (I used to feel very confident carrying a Sniper Rifle, but now I think I'm gonna reserve it for long range situations and LTK and otherwise prefer pistols over it, despite it being more accurate).

Question 3. Have I understood the invincibility system correctly? How the damage cap works, specifically.
For example, I think previously a 3-round burst fire with a rapid firing gun was only useful to increase the chance to hit the target (compared to single firing), because after the first bullet hitting the target the invulnerability system would ignore the damage caused by the next two bullets of the burst. In GES 5.0 the weapon (single bullet) damages are very much nerfed down, which implies that also the next two bullets of a 3-round burst are going to inflict damage. Now, if I shoot someone with a Golden PP7 that used to do 8 bars of damage per torso hit in GES 4.2 and now does 4, I can now inflict maximum of 8 bars of damage within 0,5 seconds, meaning that I will need minimum of 1 second to kill a target with full health and armor (to inflict 16 bars of damage) if I only shoot at his torso. Is this how it works now?

Why I think GES feels different (maybe someone will find this useful if he/she is wondering the same thing)
I think the main reason why GES now feels so different to me is the nerfed single-bullet damage, typical single bullet headshot damage now being approximately 2 bars instead of 4 bars. I used to single fire quite a lot, because I knew 2 or maximum of 4 bullets would kill my target on headshot, but now I will need 4-5 or even 8-9 against armored target. And with Gold PP7 I will need 4 torso hits instead of 2 to kill a target with full health and armor. I will now have to be more trigger-happy to increase my damage-per-second, which is something I'm not used to, but I'm sure I will.

Another big change is no more easy universal "headshot damage = 2 * torso damage or 4 * limb damage" rule that encourages to always aim at the head, but the headshot-to-torso damage ratio now depending on the gun. For example, the ZMG torso hit-to-headshot hit damage ratio is no longer universal 50 %, but is now 63 % and for D5K Deutsche it is now 25 %, which I suppose means that it is a bad idea to shoot at torso with D5K, but the same works well with ZMG. I find this a very welcome and interesting change, that surely makes these similar guns much more different from each other (so far I have just settled to prefer ZMG at close range and D5K at medium range and always aimed at the head with both). I suppose that also makes ZMG more newbie-frienly than D5K. :)

Again, thanks to the devs for making GES so great! My feedback is based on first impression, there's so much I'm still unfamiliar with (new maps and game modes). :)


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Re: First impression and some questions (GES 5.0)
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2016, 05:53:57 pm »

Question 1. Has the point where to shoot (where the crosshair would be if it was visible) shifted slightly to the left since GES 4.2?
Maybe it's just an illusion due to updated weapon models (for example a shorter PP7 model than previously) or maybe I have just lost it for not playing GES in while.

We noticed this as well during development, particularly with the new Cougar Magnum model. Weapon positions and scales in first person view were fixed to be consistent with each other and match the N64 better and this is the main thing that gives the feeling that it's changed. The old PP7 was actually positioned strangely at an exaggerated angle instead of pointing straight ahead compared to other pistols. It just takes getting used to, once you do the old weapon models look really ditzy.

Question 2. Are the GES wiki pages concerning weapons completely up to date?
I can see the damage data has been updated but some claims seem outdated. Weapon models are definitely outdated, but that doesn't really matter.
Our wiki and documentation is lagging behind right now, it was deprioritized for PR and media work.

E-S can answer your more specific question about invulnerability.
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