Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback

very underwhelmed - sorry devs !!

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--- Quote from: killermonkey on August 13, 2016, 01:22:23 pm ---You do realize that anything over 30 FPS is a farse right? The server only runs at 20 FPS if I am not mistaken. It does not matter how fast your computer is, if the server only processes the information at 20 FPS....

Your eyes cannot perceive anything over about 60 FPS, its physically impossible for you to tell the difference between 60 FPS and 250 FPS.

Is your monitor's refresh rate even 250 Hz?

--- End quote ---

As SoFGR already said, most if not all servers run above 30 tick, and it's not only about how it registers, it's how fluid it is.
On my old computer and 60hz monitor, I was able to feel drops from 200 to 90fps when explosions happened around the map because the mouse movement would jitter.

I have to agree with SoFGR here, even though I do not agree that the changes made to the mod are necessarily bad. I have a 144hz monitor and dropping below that is a pain most of times, again, because fluidity and the mouse "skipping".

FPS fluctuations aren't avoidable on the engine sadly, if the engine has an fps cap feature it would help considerably but it does not as far as I know.

We definitely designed for the 95% here.


--- Quote from: Graslu on August 13, 2016, 04:54:03 pm ---As SoFGR already said, most if not all servers run above 30 tick, and it's not only about how it registers, it's how fluid it is.
On my old computer and 60hz monitor, I was able to feel drops from 200 to 90fps when explosions happened around the map because the mouse movement would jitter.

I have to agree with SoFGR here, even though I do not agree that the changes made to the mod are necessarily bad. I have a 144hz monitor and dropping below that is a pain most of times, again, because fluidity and the mouse "skipping".

--- End quote ---


5% or not,  multicore rendering and advanced graphic options are  must haves if you want to make your mod look prettier AND scale-able.

atleast tell us about how we can turn off unnecessary effects like those highly  reflective gun barrels that don't go away even when shader detail is set to "low" 


--- Quote from: killermonkey on August 13, 2016, 01:22:23 pm ---You do realize that anything over 30 FPS is a farse right? The server only runs at 20 FPS if I am not mistaken. It does not matter how fast your computer is, if the server only processes the information at 20 FPS....

Your eyes cannot perceive anything over about 60 FPS, its physically impossible for you to tell the difference between 60 FPS and 250 FPS.

Is your monitor's refresh rate even 250 Hz?

--- End quote ---

I'm sorry KM, but this is outright false. Not only that having a higher refresh rate than the server's tickrate is beneficial, but servers run at 66-tick by default.

Yah I rescind my server tick rate comment. I'm not sold on this whole input lag saga though, call me old school but I played fps games for over 20 years and never once worried about fps needing to be above 30.

If you want to help us fix the issue, use the profiler in game and take a video while you play. It will highlight what is taking the most amount of time to process each frame.

Using the budget panel:


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