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Gun damage
--- Quote from: Entropy-Soldier on August 15, 2016, 12:53:45 am ---Well, invuln can kick in with as little as 2 players or even one depending on the weapon. Klobb is particularly bad. It's usually not something you run into though, since the DPS required to hit it with most guns is pretty high.
Anyway it's pretty weird that you're having this issue with the KF7. Even without the kickback in the file (defaults to 0) it works as expected for me.
I'm modifying these directly on the dev version though, so maybe that might be why it works for me? Doesn't make sense to me since it's the same system and the only file that controls these values, but that's the only difference I can think of. There is a formatting error in the file you posted (missing the last bracket) but I expect that's a copy/paste error and not present in the actual file.
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That video is the file i posted in your version? and yeah i left out sound data and texture as it was irrelevant.
when i open the standard game in my server, with that file vs stock the bullet spread is maybe 10% larger full auto...
Yeah, that's your file minus the kickback and with the bracket on the end, on the dev version of the game which has the scripts in plaintext.
Otherwise the dev version is pretty much identical to 5.0 at the moment, with the exception of a few fixes I've been implementing as bugs are found, so it's pretty odd that there would be a discrepancy. It's probably not caused by the spread system itself, something else has to be interfering. Really weird though that you can change some values and not others.
This is where the spread cone is calculated, this is a vector that describes the maximum divergence of bullets from perfect shot down the barrel.
This gets handed off to the FireBullets function which applies a Gaussian distribution bounded by that maximum cone to figure out where the bullet will actually go:
ES added a gaussian manipulator that widens the one sigma cone based on what you are doing which provides a much better control over shots then the previous implementation.
between what both of you guys said and that video is how i would have expected the gun to react to my crazy high numbers.
i reinstalled the server re downloaded the server files, and reset it up from scratch, i made the ar33 shoot at 1 round per second and used that file for the kf7 (minus kick)
and i got the same results as before, the gun is a laser pointer and that file adds no more than ~10% deviation from stock file.
there must have been something patched in your dev version that fixed the gun spray.
are you running the windows server or the linux server? im running the windows server on a spare machine i had kickin around with a i5 2500k
Oh, it could be because spread is calculated independently on both server and client using the same random seed, so you'll need to have the same script on the client as you do on the server for the bullet spread to match up on both. Sorry for not thinking of this sooner, it's actually been a long time since I messed with the weapon scripts and spread code.
But actually this is kind of interesting. ROF should suffer from the same issues, and bug out pretty hard if there's a difference in the file between client and server. It might be worth putting ge_bot into console and checking how many shots are actually connecting, because what you see on the client isn't what's happening on the server if the script files are different. I hate to say it but it's going to make custom weapon servers pretty hard to run. Damage values and other stuff only relevant to the server can be seamlessly changed, but what you want is more spread and clients expect the server to match their values for that.
It's still possible to distribute new weapon files to all the clients who want to play on such a server, but please only do that with friends or people who know what they're getting into since they'll have issues playing on any other server unless they change their files back.
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