Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes
Gun damage
The gun damage per weapon is in the exact REVERSE order....
pistols do the most damage the fastest,
smg's do the second most damage,
rifles do the least damage...........
Pistols reward careful headshots
Smgs reward getting as many shots on a target as fast as possible
Rifles reward burst fire and tap shots
Weapon balance is more or less the same as it always has been, damage values of automatic weapons are lower but their damage potential over time is as much as always relative to pistols. In 5.0 you have to put more thought into how you use your weapons, it's no longer just about spamming at head level because invuln used to reward that.
well headshots should be rewarded.
what you have is a system that screams throw away all weapons and get a pistol ASAP so you can 2/3 hs someone
with the rifles it takes 4+ headshots to kill and that's just ridiculous.
all guns but the pistols are useless in the game, you guys chose a system that punishes people for picking up the "better" weapons.
at least its fun headshotting with pistols while people spam your face with a rifle with no chance in hell.
you guys have a unbalanced mess and its comical.
pistols should take 3/4 headshots with better moving accuracy
smg's should take 2-3 headhots with slightly worse moving accuracy
and rifles should take 1-2 headshots with extremely bad moving accuracy.
simple. and all you have to do is look at the popular / good first person shooters out there that follow this formula for a damn reason
its the best implementation of weapon balancing.
Headshots are always rewarded, they're the most optimal way to deal damage. You're just not penalized for hitting other parts of a player than the head now.
You don't seem to understand how broken invulnerability was before 5.0. For example: you could shoot all 80 bullets from the RCP90 into someone's head when they had full health and armor and only about 8 or 9 of those shots would actually register and if you hit the torso before you hit the head your headshot wouldn't count if you were firing rapidly.
If you don't like the changes to game balance then it may just not be the game for you.
--- Quote from: Death on August 13, 2016, 05:18:17 pm ---
simple. and all you have to do is look at the popular / good first person shooters out there that follow this formula for a damn reason
its the best implementation of weapon balancing.
--- End quote ---
If plenty of other shooters do it the way you want it then play them instead.
Most "popular modern" shooters actually takes one to two headshots with a pistol. BF takes two in softcore, CS takes two if the enemy is wearing an helmet, CoD takes two, Insurgency takes one, the list could go on. I can't think of any popular FPS that takes more than two pistol headshots to kill an opponent.
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