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Forced Mouse acceleration

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buddy, its not a competition. being global in csgo is a fucking joke compared to decent players.

infact most that got global briefly was because of that vacwave. ive been global for years before that wave happened, i took part in the professional fourms during the development of csgo and had 30+ keys to hand out for closed alpha access before the game was announced.

also have 5+ lan wins in 4+ games(vs decent teams in cs), including 2nd at intel extreme masters and playing at CPL.

even opening the game no more than once a week its easy to maintain lem+, mm is a joke.

you might not be sensitive to it, its there. hopefully its fixed eventually.

i play @ 800 dpi, 1.1 ingame.

I'm not using this as a competition. I know MM is garbage. I also played with teams in the past, but right now I'm not in anything.

I'm just posting that because he said "wowwww I'm sure you didn't play any other high-competitive level game or CS:GO", because that's completely wrong and it's not like you need to do that to notice mouse acceleration anyways.

I also just did the tests he said about moving slowly and then doing it fast, and I always ended around the same spot.

Again, I know this is not a competition, but I've been playing this way longer than anyone on this thread and have way more experience than you both in GE:S and I know what I'm saying. The issue may be on your end.


--- Quote from: Graslu on August 19, 2016, 03:45:11 pm ---I'm not using this as a competition. I know MM is garbage. I also played with teams in the past, but right now I'm not in anything.

I'm just posting that because he said "wowwww I'm sure you didn't play any other high-competitive level game or CS:GO", because that's completely wrong and it's not like you need to do that to notice mouse acceleration anyways.

I also just did the tests he said about moving slowly and then doing it fast, and I always ended around the same spot.

Again, I know this is not a competition, but I've been playing this way longer than anyone on this thread and have way more experience than you both in GE:S and I know what I'm saying. The issue may be on your end.

--- End quote ---

i downloaded css orangebox tested it offline, as well as a newer patch in css, both don't have acceleration, no other source based game that i play has acceration.

something is up with GE:S, it might be something dumb that only effects a small number of players, i don't know, but its there.

Maybe, but I'm pretty sure Source SDK Base 2007 doesn't support mouse acceleration either, just like it doesn't support raw input.

I guess only Killermonkey or E-S would be able to answer this as I have no real knowledge of how the game was coded or if there was anything modified about how the game calculates the mouse movement. But me myself have never experienced mouse acceleration on different installs through different computers and OS', so this is indeed weird if you're experiencing mouse acceleration.

Also worth mentioning, a bit off-topic though but it was brought up earlier - You can enable multi-threading with mat_queue_mode 2 and gain a FPS increase even here with SDK 2007.


--- Quote from: Graslu on August 19, 2016, 04:08:03 pm ---Maybe, but I'm pretty sure Source SDK Base 2007 doesn't support mouse acceleration either, just like it doesn't support raw input.

I guess only Killermonkey or E-S would be able to answer this as I have no real knowledge of how the game was coded or if there was anything modified about how the game calculates the mouse movement. But me myself have never experienced mouse acceleration on different installs through different computers and OS', so this is indeed weird if you're experiencing mouse acceleration.

Also worth mentioning, a bit off-topic though but it was brought up earlier - You can enable multi-threading with mat_queue_mode 2 and gain a FPS increase even here with SDK 2007.

--- End quote ---

mouse accel has been in both goldsrc and source engine, m_customaccel, i do run mat queue mode 2, however in base 2007 it was the first implementation and experimental, its a bit buggy and only spawned one extra worker queue, the current implementation runs as 1 main thread and 2 extra workers (3 cores max).


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