Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

Forced Mouse acceleration

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I have to agree that there's definitely some serious mouse acceleration going on in this game. Made it unplayable for me. And that's to bad since I feel like this could be an really awesome game!

PLEASE fix the acceleration. A lot more people are experiencing this issue and possibly stops playing the game because of this..

I've never had mouse acceleration in this game and I even doubt the engine version supports it.

Never had any mouse acceleration for my part either. This is a really strange case, I must admit.

I'm sorry to say that you guys claiming you ain't having mouse acceleration, just haven't played CS:GO or other highly competitive FPS shooters enough..

In game, stand still and focus your crosshair on something. Then move your mouse SLOWLY from one end of your mousepad, to the other and take note on where the crosshair now stopped.

Then line up your crosshair on the first spot again, only this time, move your mouse over the mousepad at full speed. VOILA, you've now moved at least twice as much..



--- Quote from: xorken on August 18, 2016, 08:04:01 pm ---I'm sorry to say that you guys claiming you ain't having mouse acceleration, just haven't played CS:GO or other highly competitive FPS shooters enough..
--- End quote ---

Sorry, had to do it.

There's no raw input, I'll give you that, so the mouse movement may be laggy if your FPS varies a lot while playing, but I don't feel mouse acceleration at all.
I use 0,9 sensitivity and 1000 DPI if that's of any use.


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