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Forced Mouse acceleration

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Can you please remove the forced mouse acceleration, ruins the experience.

Mouse filter disabled, m_customaccel 0, m_mousefilter 1, m_mousespeed seems to be hidden, tried rinput still forced.


Using that and disabling mouse filtering in the game options removes mouse accel completely

you failed to read my damn post.... or understand it.

i played cevo-main in counter-strike source and have previous development experience with the source engine,
i have disabled mouse acceleration in every way possible, the developers have written a custom mouse wrapper that
is forced and it forced mouse acceleration enabled.

omg that post.... holy misinformed fuckery, that post only mattered for games that forced mouse enhancement on,
that only existed for OLD games... VERY old games, hell even cs 1.6 it no longer mattered, old old games like doom, quake,
ect use to have mouse enhancement re-enabled during gameplay.

that post is irrelevant, and doubly so by the fact that a forced raw input mouse wrapper via rinput dont fix it means its built into
the forced mouse wrapper for the game, most likely within the code that changes how sensitive the mouse is via aiming 'enabled'(shift/rmouse)
or not.

please don't pass around misinformation with that post. jesus.

Warning number one. You will be banned if yu continue to act like your post above. Totally unnecessary.

For your information, there is no custom mouse wrapper coded into this mod. You can check yourself, our code is public.


--- Quote from: killermonkey on August 13, 2016, 04:47:09 pm ---Warning number one. You will be banned if yu continue to act like your post above. Totally unnecessary.

For your information, there is no custom mouse wrapper coded into this mod. You can check yourself, our code is public.

--- End quote ---

My post is a response to a waste of time comment, no need to be ban happy, sorry if i hurt your feelings on the internet, i explained why it was not relevant.

ill take a look at the code. if m_filter 0, m_mousespeed 1, m_customaccel 0, and using a custom wrapper rinput still causing mouse acceleration
then there has to be a custom wrapper.

also why is m_rawinput a hidden command, it should be exposed.

EDIT: after reading the source you guys ABSOLUTELY override the mouse input.

in both clientmode_ge.cpp and  clientmode_shared you guys pull the mouse input on a engine level to override it, i didn't investigate what overrides are forced ect
but 100% you have a custom mouse wrapper that is causing mouse acceleration.


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