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Forced Mouse acceleration
« on: August 13, 2016, 07:16:30 am »

Can you please remove the forced mouse acceleration, ruins the experience.

Mouse filter disabled, m_customaccel 0, m_mousefilter 1, m_mousespeed seems to be hidden, tried rinput still forced.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2016, 07:35:00 am »

Using that and disabling mouse filtering in the game options removes mouse accel completely


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2016, 04:19:58 pm »

you failed to read my damn post.... or understand it.

i played cevo-main in counter-strike source and have previous development experience with the source engine,
i have disabled mouse acceleration in every way possible, the developers have written a custom mouse wrapper that
is forced and it forced mouse acceleration enabled.

omg that post.... holy misinformed fuckery, that post only mattered for games that forced mouse enhancement on,
that only existed for OLD games... VERY old games, hell even cs 1.6 it no longer mattered, old old games like doom, quake,
ect use to have mouse enhancement re-enabled during gameplay.

that post is irrelevant, and doubly so by the fact that a forced raw input mouse wrapper via rinput dont fix it means its built into
the forced mouse wrapper for the game, most likely within the code that changes how sensitive the mouse is via aiming 'enabled'(shift/rmouse)
or not.

please don't pass around misinformation with that post. jesus.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 04:29:32 pm by Death »


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2016, 04:47:09 pm »

Warning number one. You will be banned if yu continue to act like your post above. Totally unnecessary.

For your information, there is no custom mouse wrapper coded into this mod. You can check yourself, our code is public.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2016, 05:47:52 pm »

Warning number one. You will be banned if yu continue to act like your post above. Totally unnecessary.

For your information, there is no custom mouse wrapper coded into this mod. You can check yourself, our code is public.

My post is a response to a waste of time comment, no need to be ban happy, sorry if i hurt your feelings on the internet, i explained why it was not relevant.

ill take a look at the code. if m_filter 0, m_mousespeed 1, m_customaccel 0, and using a custom wrapper rinput still causing mouse acceleration
then there has to be a custom wrapper.

also why is m_rawinput a hidden command, it should be exposed.

EDIT: after reading the source you guys ABSOLUTELY override the mouse input.

in both clientmode_ge.cpp and  clientmode_shared you guys pull the mouse input on a engine level to override it, i didn't investigate what overrides are forced ect
but 100% you have a custom mouse wrapper that is causing mouse acceleration.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 06:11:23 pm by Death »


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2016, 08:06:36 pm »

That code is to implement breath effect. Has nothing to do with mouse acceleration.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2016, 08:44:06 pm »

That code is to implement breath effect. Has nothing to do with mouse acceleration.

in one quick search in the source files i can see that function being called more than 50 times.
somewhere there you guys are ruining the mouse input.

open the game, set mouse filter off, m_customaccel 0, m_filter 0, m_mousespeed 1
and look at a wall, move your mouse from the far left of your mouse pad to the far right,

then go back to the same spot you started, and do it fast, you will see you can turn almost double the
distance while going fast.

its on, and its forced, and for a engine that has such a good mouse feel for all other games its unfortunate that
some kind of mouse filter / acceleration is forced.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2016, 10:22:21 pm »

I did just that and I could not replicate your issue.

I am running the game in Linux using Wine, so there is no outside influence going on with "windows" or whatever. It's pure game movement from mouse to screen and it was spot on.

Here is what my budget panel looks like:
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 10:28:17 pm by killermonkey »


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2016, 10:29:32 pm »

I did just that and I could not replicate your issue.

I am running the game in Linux using Wine, so there is no outside influence going on with "windows" or whatever. It's pure game movement from mouse to screen and it was spot on.

Well i can open 2 other source based games with the same settings as mentioned previous and the accel don't exist.

i noticed you guys have another depot with 2013 base, is that a move that is planned in the not too distant future? maybe it will be fixed on the newer version of the engine that properly supports raw input.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2016, 10:34:52 pm »

The SDK 2013 supports multi core rendering and possibly raw input. They did a bunch of stuff to the backend, which might be why you are experiencing different results when comparing to other games.

SDK 2013 is a hot mess though.... which is why we didn't transition for v5.0


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2016, 05:40:06 pm »

I have to agree that there's definitely some serious mouse acceleration going on in this game. Made it unplayable for me. And that's to bad since I feel like this could be an really awesome game!

PLEASE fix the acceleration. A lot more people are experiencing this issue and possibly stops playing the game because of this..


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2016, 06:03:36 pm »

I've never had mouse acceleration in this game and I even doubt the engine version supports it.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2016, 07:27:36 pm »

Never had any mouse acceleration for my part either. This is a really strange case, I must admit.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 07:30:09 pm by namajnaG »


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2016, 08:04:01 pm »

I'm sorry to say that you guys claiming you ain't having mouse acceleration, just haven't played CS:GO or other highly competitive FPS shooters enough..

In game, stand still and focus your crosshair on something. Then move your mouse SLOWLY from one end of your mousepad, to the other and take note on where the crosshair now stopped.

Then line up your crosshair on the first spot again, only this time, move your mouse over the mousepad at full speed. VOILA, you've now moved at least twice as much..



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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2016, 08:41:21 pm »

I'm sorry to say that you guys claiming you ain't having mouse acceleration, just haven't played CS:GO or other highly competitive FPS shooters enough..

Sorry, had to do it.

There's no raw input, I'll give you that, so the mouse movement may be laggy if your FPS varies a lot while playing, but I don't feel mouse acceleration at all.
I use 0,9 sensitivity and 1000 DPI if that's of any use.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 08:43:59 pm by Graslu »


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2016, 03:32:00 pm »

buddy, its not a competition. being global in csgo is a fucking joke compared to decent players.

infact most that got global briefly was because of that vacwave. ive been global for years before that wave happened, i took part in the professional fourms during the development of csgo and had 30+ keys to hand out for closed alpha access before the game was announced.

also have 5+ lan wins in 4+ games(vs decent teams in cs), including 2nd at intel extreme masters and playing at CPL.

even opening the game no more than once a week its easy to maintain lem+, mm is a joke.

you might not be sensitive to it, its there. hopefully its fixed eventually.

i play @ 800 dpi, 1.1 ingame.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 03:41:13 pm by Death »


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2016, 03:45:11 pm »

I'm not using this as a competition. I know MM is garbage. I also played with teams in the past, but right now I'm not in anything.

I'm just posting that because he said "wowwww I'm sure you didn't play any other high-competitive level game or CS:GO", because that's completely wrong and it's not like you need to do that to notice mouse acceleration anyways.

I also just did the tests he said about moving slowly and then doing it fast, and I always ended around the same spot.

Again, I know this is not a competition, but I've been playing this way longer than anyone on this thread and have way more experience than you both in GE:S and I know what I'm saying. The issue may be on your end.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2016, 04:01:01 pm »

I'm not using this as a competition. I know MM is garbage. I also played with teams in the past, but right now I'm not in anything.

I'm just posting that because he said "wowwww I'm sure you didn't play any other high-competitive level game or CS:GO", because that's completely wrong and it's not like you need to do that to notice mouse acceleration anyways.

I also just did the tests he said about moving slowly and then doing it fast, and I always ended around the same spot.

Again, I know this is not a competition, but I've been playing this way longer than anyone on this thread and have way more experience than you both in GE:S and I know what I'm saying. The issue may be on your end.

i downloaded css orangebox tested it offline, as well as a newer patch in css, both don't have acceleration, no other source based game that i play has acceration.

something is up with GE:S, it might be something dumb that only effects a small number of players, i don't know, but its there.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2016, 04:08:03 pm »

Maybe, but I'm pretty sure Source SDK Base 2007 doesn't support mouse acceleration either, just like it doesn't support raw input.

I guess only Killermonkey or E-S would be able to answer this as I have no real knowledge of how the game was coded or if there was anything modified about how the game calculates the mouse movement. But me myself have never experienced mouse acceleration on different installs through different computers and OS', so this is indeed weird if you're experiencing mouse acceleration.

Also worth mentioning, a bit off-topic though but it was brought up earlier - You can enable multi-threading with mat_queue_mode 2 and gain a FPS increase even here with SDK 2007.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2016, 04:21:26 pm »

Maybe, but I'm pretty sure Source SDK Base 2007 doesn't support mouse acceleration either, just like it doesn't support raw input.

I guess only Killermonkey or E-S would be able to answer this as I have no real knowledge of how the game was coded or if there was anything modified about how the game calculates the mouse movement. But me myself have never experienced mouse acceleration on different installs through different computers and OS', so this is indeed weird if you're experiencing mouse acceleration.

Also worth mentioning, a bit off-topic though but it was brought up earlier - You can enable multi-threading with mat_queue_mode 2 and gain a FPS increase even here with SDK 2007.

mouse accel has been in both goldsrc and source engine, m_customaccel, i do run mat queue mode 2, however in base 2007 it was the first implementation and experimental, its a bit buggy and only spawned one extra worker queue, the current implementation runs as 1 main thread and 2 extra workers (3 cores max).


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2016, 04:28:05 pm »

I get around 30fps more average with it enabled. Depends on the map, but at least it helps a bit.

I suppose all these issues will be fixed if we ever port to 2013, mouse acceleration for those that for some unkown reason has it, raw input and the actual multi-threading support. I'm specially looking forward the raw input since I hate going from 250fps to 120fps or so in a second and feeling how the aim is shitty compared to higher framerate, this doesn't happen in CS:GO or other games with raw input.


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2016, 04:30:50 pm »

I get around 30fps more average with it enabled. Depends on the map, but at least it helps a bit.

I suppose all these issues will be fixed if we ever port to 2013, mouse acceleration for those that for some unkown reason has it, raw input and the actual multi-threading support. I'm specially looking forward the raw input since I hate going from 250fps to 120fps or so in a second and feeling how the aim is shitty compared to higher framerate, this doesn't happen in CS:GO or other games with raw input.

you can force raw input with the application called rinput , its vac safe and even some pros use it at majors.

even featured on most pro team websites:

you just have to add the hl2.exe to it as a custom game.

easiest method is to use SourceGL


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Re: Forced Mouse acceleration
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2016, 04:45:02 pm »

Oh yeah I know that, some players here use it, but I personally got used to not having it here and adjusted my aim to it through the years; I'm personally waiting for official support.
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