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GES Update 8/10/07
Damn Xanatos, that was presented very well.
I never did like the "Statue" map,
Jungle would take some time to make, unless you just used a bunch of static meshes/props from HL2/CS:S, etc.
Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
Or we made our own ;)
Well, Konrad more specifically. He's kind of an animal.
Konrad Beerbaum:
--- Quote from: Loafie, Hero of Dreams on August 11, 2007, 07:30:30 pm ---Or we made our own ;)
Well, Konrad more specifically. He's kind of an animal.
--- End quote ---
<3 :-*
Wow, looks great.
--- Quote from: Xanatos on August 10, 2007, 10:47:36 am ---yeah, non-classic, theres a good concept in that one thread for library, stacks, and/or basement if you're interested.
--- End quote ---
Is this in a public forum? I would like to try to make one and see if it would be good for the mod.
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