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Epic Bachelor's Party

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OK here is the deal, my best friend just told me he got engaged. I already know what to do for his Bachelor's party. Rent out a bar, and have an epic goldeneye local LAN party. We played the crap out of this game as kids and I cant think of a better way to celebrate his wedding. However, i am a total dunce at setting this up, luckily i will have over a year to prepare. SO first off, what will i need to to be able to support as large of a LAN party as possible? Will i need 32 computers or is there a way one computer could host 32 controllers? (i realize that's probably not gonna happen) How many computers would I need to make this happen? Whats my first step??

Hot dang, I thought by the name of the thread that this was just another bot, but THIS... This is something I didn't expect. You'll need 32 computers for 32 players, and a lot of network wiring and patience to setup Goldeneye Source on all of them. Most private LANs I've done were just like 6 people playing AoE2 and UT so that didn't require much work except everyone bringing their own laptops or PCs over and getting onto the router, but you'll most definitely need a more sophisticated way to hook everyone up on the same network.

I'd wait onto additionnal replies.

You'll definitely need a computer for every player; unfortunately there's no feasible way to run multiple instances of GE:S on a single computer, and this is mostly out of our control.

As for networking, you just need enough switches with ports to support every player, with the different switches connected to one other switch so that they all can communicate, with one of the switches connected to a router if you want an Internet connection (or just use the router as the central switch). In theory, plain 100Mb switches should work fine for GE:S. If you don't plan on having an Internet connection for whatever reason, make sure the server is started with -insecure to disable VAC.

You'll also probably want to have 2+ servers capped to 16 players or less. GE:S simply will not play well with 32 players in a single server.

El Dudereno:
It would probably be easier collecting a few old N64 consoles and having a play-off tournament.  You could get a couple projectors too.  That would be really simple to set up.

Are you talking about Original Goldeneye on Emulator, GES or both?

For the second, maybe rent out a big enough internet cafe, that way you allready have enough computers and routers/switches. But make sure it is one that is usually used for gaming and not only for web browsing.

Also make sure they'll install the neccessary stuff like steam, source sdk base 2007 and the mod on all PCs.
If the setup of the PCs is nearly the same, you can simply set up on one PC make all the adjustments like controller setup and then copy over the whole gesource folder to the other PCs.

I'd also recomend having a dedicated server or maybe two set up on a seperate computer.
And it wouldn't be the worst idea if the one who's administrating it, has some source server admin experience.


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