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[Map] ge_tomb

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A Remake from TimeSplitters

Location:Egyptian TombSize:Small (2-4 Players)Download:ge_tomb.zip (8 MB)

This is a very well done first map. While it is a good first map, here are some things you may consider to revise:

1. The map is small. It's okay for lower player counts, but I could see it quickly becoming too hectic once more people start to join. Its size is alright assuming it's played only with lower player counts, but you may want to consider expanding it as servers can fill up quickly.

2. The item spawns. You seem to grasp the general idea that higher-tier weapons belong in more central areas, however there are some high-tier weapon spawns located in more obscure areas of the map, and I also noticed some weapon spawns located right next to each other. Again, the map is small and it's hard to give items an appropriate spawn location, so you may want to consider expanding the map or redesigning some areas. Also, I do not see any armor spawns.

I second what Soup said. This is extremely well put together for a first map. It's very clean and overall a really solid effort. Awesome work! I can't wait to see more from you :)

If I really had to nitpick, I had a small gripe with the lighting; it's a bit too saturated for my taste, and the armor was difficult to see since it was tucked away in a dark corner.

Thank you for your feedback!

1. I'm satisfied with the map size, since it is made for lower player counts.
2. I've tried to reduce the item spawns compared to the original map (resulting in 2 spawns for each weapon on tier 1-4 and 1 spawn for each weapon on tier 5-8).

PS. There's one body armor near the pillar.

Lighting/Saturation is a good point! Maybe I will adjust the saturation (for more realism).

 ;)  nice work man    keep up the good work and BTW.......  you will quickly find no matter how amazing your maps are made or designed some people will never be satisfied with them. Just remember your fan base and make maps that make YOU happy  You will never make others truly happy and most of those people won't lift a finger to map anything themselves   8)


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