I'd like to see better bot implementation and perhaps targeting to be more focused to make it slightly more beneficial, and maybe make it less of an obstruction, maybe by thinning out the target a bit, it's rather large and chunky and when shooting over long distance it tends to obstruct the view making it difficult to see what you are shooting. I would also like to see more official maps and classic versions, like Frigate, Depot, Jungle & Statue Park etc. Something that's always bugged me is the weird weapon stutter that you get sometimes in the animation when turning fast or if your pushing against a door as it opens (Does anyone else notice this?)... That's probably more to do with the engine itself though and maybe can't be fixed. Never been that bothered about characters, although it would be nice to have more options on that front. I would love for the Dossier to make a come back for the menu's as well in some way to really give that Goldeneye feel, although I feel the developers may disagree on that one and may have their own idea's, the last menu change was great so if they do it'll be good I'm sure... Can't think of anything else right now, for me it's mainly the bot issues, been wanting to do some videos with bots for a while, but don't want to show the mod with bots getting stuck in doorways and on stairs, or just standing there after being shot at as I wouldn't want the mod to come across as buggy, and you know how criticising the gaming community can be and I would like to attempt to draw in players rather than put them off.
Oh... One more thing, stop people from being able to hop around, I might play more online if people weren't leaping about all the time, very off putting for me.