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Author Topic: Where/How to list commands that always run (server)?  (Read 9136 times)

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Where/How to list commands that always run (server)?
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:59:19 am »

I'm mostly looking for a way to have certain commands (such as ge_allowradar 0 and the bot spawn/difficulty commands) to run every time that a round ends. As of now, it just reverts back to a seemingly random option (radar sometimes being on/off even when the mode never changed). I've messed around in the srcds running bat file, but to seemingly no avail.

Also, as a related/extra question, how do I permanently change the name of the server? As of late, I've just had to manually change it in the source GUI, and it sets itself after about 5 minutes. I assume it's done similarly to the above, but I'm not sure.

I appreciate any help that can be offered!

Spoiler for Hiden:
I didn't want this to be too noticeable, but any help that can be offered on loading new maps/modes would also be welcome. I've installed everything with multiple maps into the correct locations, but I can't switch to them. If requested, I can move this to it's own thread. Thanks!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 03:02:21 am by Khranos »


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Re: Where/How to list commands that always run (server)?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 08:55:28 am »

in gesource/cfg:

valve.rc runs when the server dlls are loaded (when you run the "map" command)

server.cfg (dedicated servers) or listenserver.cfg (in-game servers) run every time the map changes, either by rotation or by the "changelevel" command

Pretty much you only need to care about server.cfg for making changes; most common things are set and documented there already.

By default, you add maps to mapcycle.txt and modes to gameplaycycle_slow.txt. There are plenty of different settings and premade map/mode cycles for your to play around with.

Doing maps by rotation alone won't please most people, so I personally recommend setting up plugins to do voting and other fancy features. Map voting will hopefully be a standard feature in a future release.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 08:58:31 am by soupcan »


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Re: Where/How to list commands that always run (server)?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2015, 09:30:13 pm »

I appreciate the response, however, I'm not having any luck. I've tried changing a few things in Valve.rc and server.cfg, yet nothing changes. Just to verify, I've even tried a restart, heartbeat, and levelchange -- still, nothing changed to what was set in the configs (I have no doubt that's the correct way,  just not sure what's going wrong on my end).

Just to make sure I'm loading things in the correct places, I have everything in the steamcmd folder (directly inside of C:, all the steam extras), then I have the gesource folder in that (complete with cfg, maps, and the rest), and the srcds folder inside of that. I'm loading the server through the srcds.exe.

I can assume something isn't loading properly somewhere because of misplacement, which is likely also the reason I can't see added modes and maps.


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Re: Where/How to list commands that always run (server)?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2015, 09:50:16 pm »

The GUI launcher picks up your sourcemods folder for games to choose from, so that could be why (using Steam GE:S install instead of your server one).

Personally I recommend just launching the server using "srcds.exe -console -game "path\to\gesource" to avoid any issue of this sort -- the GUI has some issues in my experience.

Note that when you launch in console mode, the engine does not automatically start. You'll have to add something like "+map ge_archives" as a launch flag to srcds.exe. For example, the following was modified from my launch script:
Code: [Select]
srcds.exe -game ..\gesource\ -console +maxplayers 16 +map ge_archives
« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 09:56:17 pm by soupcan »


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Re: Where/How to list commands that always run (server)?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2015, 01:29:17 am »

Ah, that actually seemed to be the issue. Now, all the custom arguments are working properly -- it's now loading custom maps and modes, too. After seeing all the issues it caused, I don't see why the GUI is even a feature.

Although, something did come up with the custom maps that is rather strange. Whenever I try to load the server with one on, it disconnects me and says "maps/map name here" is missing. When I manually place the map into my sourcemods maps folder, it loads just fine. I have the server downloads option on in the config, so I'm not seeing what the issue is with auto downloads.

I appreciate all the help with this -- I'm usually completely fine with servers, it seems source mods are a bit quirky to get working.


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Re: Where/How to list commands that always run (server)?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2015, 01:53:58 am »

If you're trying to have maps download straight from the server, the maximum file size is bound by net_maxfilesize (default 16, max 64). You can work around the 64MB limit (and make downloads faster) by having your maps compressed in bz2 format, and have the .bz2 files sit alongside the uncompressed BSPs.

However, direct server downloads tend to be slow no matter what. It's recommended to also set up a fast download server, which consists of a HTTP site that mirrors all the custom assets of the game server. The easiest way I can think of (for Windows) is to set up Microsoft IIS, and if it's sharing the same connection as the game server, limit the bandwidth to a very conservative amount to prevent it lagging the server.

If you're running this server off your home connection and don't have a very large pipe, or you don't want to bother setting up and maintaining everything, my suggestion is to check out purchasing from a gameserver host like Jest or Branzone
« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 01:56:36 am by soupcan »
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