We should start a pool for who's gonna be next.
1) Yaphet Kotto - Mr. Big - Live and Let Die - 75 years old
2) Michael Lonsdale - Sir Hugo Drax - Moonraker - 84
3) Luciana Paluzzi - Fiona - Thunderball - 78
4) Karin Dor - Helga Brandt - You Only Live Twice - 77
5) Julian Glover - Kristatos - For Your Eyes Only - 80
6) Steven Berkoff - Orlov - Octopussy - 78
7) Klaus Maria Brandauer - Never Say Never Again - 72

Christopher Walken - Max Zorin -A View to a Kill - 72
9) Grace Jones - May Day - A View to a Kill - 67
10) Jeroen Krabbé - General Georgi Koskov - The Living Daylights - 71
11) Joe Don Baker - Brad Whitaker - The Living Daylights - 79
12) Andreas Wisniewski - Necros - The Living Daylights - 55
13) Robert Davi - Franz Sanchez - Licence to Kill - 63
14) Benicio Del Toro - Dario - Licence to Kill - 48
15) Sean Bean - Alec Trevelyan - Goldeneye - 56
16) Famke Janssen - Xenia Onatopp - Goldeneye - 51
17) Alan Cumming - Boris Grishenko - Goldeneye - 50
18) Jonathan Pryce - Elliot Carver - Tomorrow Never Dies - 68
19) Götz Otto - Stamper - Tomorrow Never Dies - 48
20) Robert Carlyle - Renard - The World is Not Enough - 54
21) Sophie Marceau - Elektra King - The World is Not Enough - 48
22) Toby Stephens - Gustav Graves - The World is Not Enough - 46
23) Rick Yune - Zao - The World is Not Enough - 44
24) Mads Mikkelsen - Le Chiffre - Casino Royale - 49
25) Javier Bardem - Silva - Skyfall - 46
Yea I know I had too much time on my hands today. There's other villains but eh. I'm tired.
It's morbid but I would have to say Drax is on deck.