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Application: Music Composer

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Wow I was going to say bring the faster one down by 10-15 bpm, but you already did! I really dig the cafe mix, perhaps it can have "flare ups" of faster beats. I think it should emulate the flow of the gameplay, which is hectic then relaxed then hectic again. You are forced to pause when you die, think about that.


--- Quote from: killermonkey on May 15, 2015, 02:56:45 am ---Wow I was going to say bring the faster one down by 10-15 bpm, but you already did! I really dig the cafe mix, perhaps it can have "flare ups" of faster beats. I think it should emulate the flow of the gameplay, which is hectic then relaxed then hectic again. You are forced to pause when you die, think about that.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the feedback!

I really like your suggestion, shifting BPMs/Themes it is :)


--- Quote from: killermonkey on May 15, 2015, 02:56:45 am ---Wow I was going to say bring the faster one down by 10-15 bpm, but you already did! I really dig the cafe mix, perhaps it can have "flare ups" of faster beats. I think it should emulate the flow of the gameplay, which is hectic then relaxed then hectic again. You are forced to pause when you die, think about that.

--- End quote ---

Here is a near complete mix down of both versions shifting a couple of times from 125BPM to 145BPM and back with a change in sounds each time it shifts :)

var zippywww="57";var zippyfile="7H6JZUku";var zippydown="ffffff";var zippyfront="000000";var zippyback="ffffff";var zippylight="000000";var zippywidth=20;var zippyauto=false;var zippyvol=80;var zippydwnbtn = 1;

I like this but your guitar and mixing instruments "so they don't sound muffled" need some work. If you want a great out of the box guitar VST use Prominy electric guitar sample libary.


--- Quote from: tweaklab on May 15, 2015, 10:37:52 am ---Here is a near complete mix down of both versions shifting a couple of times from 125BPM to 145BPM and back with a change in sounds each time it shifts :)

var zippywww="57";var zippyfile="7H6JZUku";var zippydown="ffffff";var zippyfront="000000";var zippyback="ffffff";var zippylight="000000";var zippywidth=20;var zippyauto=false;var zippyvol=80;var zippydwnbtn = 1;

--- End quote ---

I am in love with the shifting bpm's! It adds a a whole new concept of how the game is played by the music gradually getting faster which tends to bring a stressful/hectic firefight within the game. This will definitely be a song of choice that I'd listen to when I want to go run n' gun on some noobs in game! Nicely done!


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