Editing and Customization > Tutorials

How to create a texture with snow particles on it?!

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Here's a quick photoshop example with a brick texture i had laying arround from another project.

I took the green channel of the normalmap as a base for the snow, inverted it so the white faces upwards.
Now i used filters (e.g. brightness/contrast, Gradient,...) to tighten up the highlights till the white is only left
on the parts i want them on and the rest is black.

Then i used this as a mask for the snow texture and applied a layer effect to give it more depth.

The snow fx on the bottom was created by blending a difference cloud filter with a gradient.

The rest is just a matter of using suitable blend modes for the layers.

Jonathon [SSL]:

--- Quote from: kraid on April 09, 2015, 09:01:35 pm ---Here's a quick photoshop example with a brick texture i had laying arround from another project.

I took the green channel of the normalmap as a base for the snow, inverted it so the white faces upwards.
Now i used filters (e.g. brightness/contrast, Gradient,...) to tighten up the highlights till the white is only left
on the parts i want them on and the rest is black.

Then i used this as a mask for the snow texture and applied a layer effect to give it more depth.

The snow fx on the bottom was created by blending a difference cloud filter with a gradient.

The rest is just a matter of using suitable blend modes for the layers.

--- End quote ---

Assuming you know your way around Photoshop/ your image utility of choice, this is hella great advice.

If you don't, it's time for some basic training.


--- Quote from: kraid on April 10, 2015, 09:30:41 am ---If you don't, it's time for some basic training.

--- End quote ---

I already achieved my 00 status in photoshop :D. BTW i figured out an easier way of doing the snow. Thanks anyways.


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