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Source 2 Announced!
Jonathon [SSL]:
Valve announced Source 2 at GDC today, it seems it will be free to developers. It's got my gears turning.
For those of you who don't know, Source 2 was soft-launched a while ago via silent integration into Dota 2. You can already check out the new tools (like the new Hammer editor and content browser) by downloading the Dota 2 workshop tools. It seems to support .vmf import for converting maps to the new .vmap file, and I'm sure there's going to be tools for batch asset conversion from Source 1 to Source 2...
Im very pleased to see this. Not only for the GE:S community, but being maybe one step closer to Half-Life 3.
Unreal 4 engine is also now free to develop on.
And Unity 5 is available now too. For Free.
With PBR and allmost all the neat features they previously restricted to the pro-version.
Only Features like "could build" are reserved for Pro-Version Users.
2015 is starting to become the game makers wet dream.
Unfortunately, I doubt that'll put an end to the "Early Access" plague we've been witnessing the past few years.
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