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Barry Bonds Did It.. But is it Steroid or Bust?

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Well just about 3 minutes ago, Barry Bonds hit his 756th Home Run, surpassing Hank Aaron on the All-Time Home Run Hitting List for the MLB.

In my opinion.  He absolutely deserves this.  He may have used steroids, but we don't know for sure.  You have to sit down and think about it though...  There isn't any steroids for the eye.  He had amazing hand-eye coordination, and steroids couldn't do a thing to help him with that.

Yes, this is a great feat, but what do you think about it?  Do you think he used steroids?  Do you think he deserves this?

Who cares anymore?

Sports equals performance enhancing drug use. Some use them, some don't. The ones who do use them win. At least he can hit the ball.


wtf is sports

Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
wtf is a barry bonds?


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