Editing and Customization > General Discussion
GoldenEye:Source and Perfect Dark:Source on same code base.
Depends of where you downloaded them. If you got them from the forums, Felicity is fullbright, Ravine has texture problems and no idea about complex. WNx server hosts Felicity, Complex and Villa, you can get them from playing there.
Anyways, there's no way to add new weapons so the people can download / have them unless you have access to the source files or create some kind of plugin to let you do that. But really, it's just 4 maps and 3 characters, wouldn't make much difference. 3 of those maps are already on GE:S, the characters doesn't *really* matter and the weapons is just really hard / impossible to add as custom content.
You can still make servers for PD:S, I don't know if they'll show on the list, but your friends can play perfectly on them, I played it not so long ago with a friend.
I just gave it a quick try, and had no problem at all hosting a dedicated server. Just get appid 205 from SteamCMD, and launch the server with something like:
--- Code: ---
srcds.exe -console -game "\path\to\pdark\folder\" +map felicity
--- End code ---
--- Quote from: soupcan on December 17, 2014, 02:07:36 am ---I just gave it a quick try, and had no problem at all hosting a dedicated server. Just get appid 205 from SteamCMD, and launch the server with something like:
--- Code: ---
srcds.exe -console -game "\path\to\pdark\folder\" +map felicity
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
Yes, I've done that, but the client failed to connect. That's the first words I wrote on this topic.
Also, the appid 205 only ships win32 binaries today, and I don't own any windows server. I've tried to run srcds.exe with wine, but using wine the server seems to work only when I launch it with gui, the -console arg failed, which is problematic on headless linux server.
I can run the built-in server from the pdark mod itself on my own desktop computer, but I don't want to do that.
Then there's nothing you could do about it, unless someone happens to still have an old srcds installation somewhere they'd be willing to upload. And modifying GE:S to be PD:S is really inadvisable and not worth your time.
PDSOURCE could fork the ges code base on github and apply the pd specific mechanics to the code. Then you ship those binaries with the pd ui theme and models, etc.
Would take a fair bit of effort but you also gain python game modes, bots, and other ges goodies.
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