Editing and Customization > Tutorials

How do I enable PC suoport for my 360 controller?


It's a standard Windows Xbox wired controller.

In GE:S, go to mouse options, and enable joypad movement. The steps are the same for most other Source games.

Other than that, everything should be pretty much plug-and-play with the 360/X1 controller.

I've never played Source games before. I did, however, find the following reply to a similar post (I should have checked first, I know). Are these the typical steps used for other Source games -->

"exec 360controller_shared.cfg"
"exec 360controller.cfg"

--- Quote from: soupcan on October 16, 2014, 06:59:30 pm ---In GE:S, go to mouse options, and enable joypad movement. The steps are the same for most other Source games.

Other than that, everything should be pretty much plug-and-play with the 360/X1 controller.

--- End quote ---

All you need to do in Source games is just open options > mouse and enable joypad. That is all.

The mentioned cfgs might have binds custom set for GE:S, though.


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