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Author Topic: Sup dudes! Great mod! Suggestion about implementing RAW INPUT mouse movement  (Read 15164 times)

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Hey dudes,

BiscoJoe here. I am fairly new to this Goldeneye: Source mod, but I must say, I LOVE IT! It's awesome! Showed a buddy of mine and he loved it too, we will be playing more and more and becoming part of this community even tho it's small (can't be as small as CS 1.6, or could it? HAHA!)

Anyways, the first thing I noticed when I was changing my options around in the menus was that under the Mouse tab... there's no sign of disabling mouse acceleration and/or turning mouse raw input on/off. Most source games have raw input implemented into the game (CS:Source, CS:GO) and even HL1 games were updated last year and have the option to enable/disable raw input. Raw input is a great addition to a game because it kills mouse acceleration completely and voids the Windows OS settings, just straight bypasses it and reads your raw mouse data, therefore leading to no negative acceleration or any forms of acceleration.

Here is some info about WM_MOUSEMOVE (which I believe Goldeneye: Source is running right now) and info about WM_INPUT (raw input method).


The simplest method of reading mouse movement data is through WM_MOUSEMOVE messages. The primary disadvantage to data from WM_MOUSEMOVE is that it is limited to the screen resolution. This means that if you move the mouse slightly — but not enough to cause the pointer to move to the next pixel — then no WM_MOUSEMOVE message is generated. So, using this method to read mouse movement negates the benefits of high-definition input.

The advantage to WM_MOUSEMOVE, however, is that Windows applies pointer acceleration (also known as ballistics) to the raw mouse data, which makes the mouse pointer behave as customers expect. This makes WM_MOUSEMOVE the preferred option for pointer control (over WM_INPUT or DirectInput), since it results in more natural behavior for users. While WM_MOUSEMOVE is ideal for moving mouse pointers, it is not so good for moving a first-person camera, since the high-definition precision will be lost.


The second method of obtaining mouse data is to read WM_INPUT messages. Processing WM_INPUT messages is more complicated than processing WM_MOUSEMOVE messages, but WM_INPUT messages are read directly from the Human Interface Device (HID) stack and reflect high-definition results. The advantage to using WM_INPUT is that your game receives raw data from the mouse at the lowest level possible.

I don't know who is the coder here or knows much about mouse pointer ballistics etc, but raw input (the CVAR m_rawinput) would be a HUGE addition to this mod !

Just thought I'd make a suggestion, anyways, keep up the good work. This game is fun and brings back memories !


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Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay. The community is small but solid, and most of us have been around for years and don't plan on leaving. Things have been rather quiet as of late, though, but development is still going on.

KillerMonkey is the main programmer here, he should give you some feedback soon enough.


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Source Engine handles mouse movements. I could have swore you could enable raw mouse input from the options menu. Thanks for the explanation though.


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Yes sir, I know Source engine handles mouse movements...

I looked EVERYWHERE for an option to disable mouse acceleration or toggle raw input on/off and it was no where to be found.

Also... I tried using the "rinput 1.31 wrapper" that injects manually into the hl2.exe (it's not illegal lol, it was widely used in CS 1.6 before Valve implemented the actual raw input code into the engine itself and made an option for m_rawinput 1)

As I tried injecting it, it gave me a message saying "Failed to find proper function" or something of that sort. Odd...

But yea if you could look into this that would be a HUGE improvement!

Best Regards,

Bisco JOE


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Reading mouse input is the engine's responsibility... afaik, not something the mod alone can do.

SDK 2013 supports raw input, and has a GUI option for it, so you can expect it in the next release.


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Code: [Select]
m_mouseaccel1 "0"
m_mouseaccel2 "0"
m_filter "0"
m_customaccel "0"
m_customaccel_max "0"
//cl_mousespeed "0"
//m_rawinput "1"

Throw those into your autoexec.cfg

And use this to remove acceleration from Windows 7/8/8.1.  Uncomment the last 2 lines for use in the newer engine.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 06:44:44 pm by Proxie »


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Yes I've tried entering m_rawinput 1 in console when in-game and it doesn't do anything...

And I've tried setting m_mousespeed to 0 but it forces it to 1. is it cl_mousespeed instead???

MarkC mousefix is completely useless with the addition/use of mouse raw input since it bypasses everything Windows related such as (pointer slider speed as it forces it to 6/11 giving 1:1 ratio on raw input), ignores registry mousefixes, etc, it's just straight raw input data from your mouse to the game no middle manning thru the OS.



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Enhanced Pointer Precision OFF in mouse control panel is the same as using a mousefix (I do not like changing values in my registry etc)

Raw input is what's up these days, mousefix's were commonly used on WinXP back in the day before raw input existed =P
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 02:43:52 am by biscojoe42 »


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Please add raw input <3 =P I'm not sure either ... but your m_mousespeed command is default at "1" and that's the minimum, no option to put it on 0. Hmm..
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 02:44:28 am by biscojoe42 »
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