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Application for a Trial as Texture-Artist/Modeler
I would like to apply for a trial as Texture-Artist or Modeler.
So first of all, i ain't got any experience of modding a Game, just tried something in Unreal2 an Doom3 editor.
But the best way to get some experience, is to try it out.
So here a short description of me:
Name: Sebastian Roth
Nickname: Kraid (Name of an Levelboss in the Metroid-Series)
Country: Germany (Saxon)
Age: 25
Occupation: Media Designer for Digital and Printmedia
Currently: Student (Dipl. Ing. for Multimediatechnique)
experience: Photoshop and other 2D- and Vector-Programms (a lot [professional]),
3D-Modeling (advanced but not professionell) using Cinema 4D R9,
Modding and Levelediting (nearly nothing).
Webdesign: HTML, CSS, Flash.
Programming: PHP and JS (just getting started).
Playing Goldeneye: on the N64 since 10 Years, knowing nearly every Polygon.
for some examples of my Work please vistit:
and take a look at this treat:,475.0.html
you can also check out this Site, it's the Homepage of a Friend who`s making music:
So, if there were any further questions, just PM me.
I'm looking forward to your answer.
Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
i cant read a thing on the website, but i love the ben reilly spiderman drawing
Site worked for me the links are German but it's set up link most portfolios so you don't really need to speak German to get around.
I like your work my only concern would be that I don't know if you can export stuff from Cinema 4D R9 to source? And your lack of game based work. Which can be different due to having limits on texture sizes polygons ect. But you have a lot of programs under your belt so you shouldn't have to many problems adapting.
I say we bump you to trial and give you something to work on. In the mean time have a poke round the source SDK documentation and try some stuff out. Also download all of the source tools from steam just so you can start getting a feel of them.
Jonathan [Spider]:
your 3d stuff needs a bit of work, but you seem to have a pretty solid handle on photoshop we can have one of the level guys toss over some props for you to do or maybe some level textures to see what you can do
go ahead and make a new thread in the trial members section so we can see what your made of.
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