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GTA IV--Official Thread--New Info

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Robert B.:

This website provides a plethora of pictures, information and amazingly useful things. Unfortunately, as none of you may know, and yes I just said none, GTA IV has been delayed until early 2008. I for one am extremely happy about this--it means more time for them to polish things off, add new content and fix various pieces of the game. If you have a day job, a life and you're over 18--time goes by fast anyway so it's not like you're really in immediate peril.

To read an incredible review, visit gamespot at:

GTA IV Use's a game engine called Endorphin, the same game engine that is also being used for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It is a very little known piece of information, however it becomes very clear since the company that manufactures the GTA series happens to be using the same game engine with ALL of their other current projects. Coincidence?

That is precisely the types of physics you can expect. Different objects such as wood, metal and tissue will act accordingly to their previously set properties.

A few little facts that are found on random websites, insider information etc.

-In order to break into a car now (confirmed) you must break the window, hot wire the car and do it unnoticed.
-Getting away from the police is entirely different now--it works off of getting away from their search area.
-Each street has a different name.
-The game world is something like six times the size of San Andreas--personally I think it's bullshit, but if it's true I will be forever awe struck.
-If you're looking to pack some serious heat, you'll have a gym bag around your shoulder this time--it's shown in various screenshots.
-Body armor is visible.
-Taking damage is visible.
-There are children--things will get messy if you decide not to drive on the street and take a detour on something called the sidewalk. The ragdoll will be, on quote, "Visually Accurate" to what it would be if you were to hit someone with your car in real life.
-You will be able to take cover, blind fire, stuff like that... Awesome
-Cars literally are unable to expload by normal damage... So no more having to bail out on cars because you bumped into the hood of the car five times. If something blows up, or you get hit with an explosive device or weapon, your car can blow up.


--- Quote ----There are children--things will get messy if you decide not to drive on the street and take a detour on something called the sidewalk. The ragdoll will be, on quote, "Visually Accurate" to what it would be if you were to hit someone with your car in real life.
--- End quote ---

There is no way I will believe this until I am running a kid over ingame.


--- Quote from: Robert B. on August 04, 2007, 01:37:04 pm ----In order to break into a car now (confirmed) you must break the window, hot wire the car and do it unnoticed.
-Getting away from the police is entirely different now--it works off of getting away from their search area.
-Each street has a different name.
-The game world is something like six times the size of San Andreas
-You will be able to take cover, blind fire, stuff like that
-Cars literally are unable to expload by normal damage... So no more having to bail out on cars because you bumped into the hood of the car five times. If something blows up, or you get hit with an explosive device or weapon, your car can blow up.

--- End quote ---
All those sound good. 

But the children.... eh.. :-\

oh my god this sounds awesome, except the children bit, not sure about that..

Robert B.:
It's in one of the screen shots on a review page somewhere. Hunt around you'll find it.


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