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Approaching my own demise--

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Robert B.:
Approaching my own demise--

As I lay in the grass, watching the sun rifle through the clouds and pierce the elaborate cumulonimbus that took hours to develop, I suddenly come to the abrupt and exact realization that I am rapidly approaching my own demise. While the world and all of its sheep carry on their day to day activities, I am stapled to an internal wall--panicking at the days to come--contemplating the edge of the universe, the moment when the last cell in my brain shuts down, the vast infinity of space, what molten lava would taste like for the first millisecond before it eats through my jaw, what the surface of the sun would feel like if stroked, why people believe in something they cannot see nor hear nor touch, an immediate recognition none of this truly means anything. Organic beings are an anomaly of science, mere odds, distinct possibilities and probabilities in a perpetual nightmare cluster fuck we call existence. Any single one thing we touch will outlive each and every one of us, yet we believe we control these objects. We believe we own land, property and objects--we simply alter them and provide transportation. Who gets the last laugh? John Doe the rapidly decaying organism, cluster of cells thrown together in a mobile state for 29,000 repetitions of the 24 hour clock? Or any single piece of inorganic material that surrounds us on a day to day basis, ensuring its own survival for thousands of years.

If I were insane, delusional or oppressed--I would solve the ultimate mystery just to accelerate the inevitable. My actions have a life cycle of 300 years at the most, my One-A-Day Vitamin bottle will be around for a few thousand. What's the point? Human influence? Involvement, occupation, morals? There is no point to life as Human Beings, as I am very appologetic to inform you. The mere thought of an afterlife is morphine to the gaping laceration we call personal existence. It is futile to avoid it, it will catch you as it catches everyone.It is difficult to imagine what dying feels like--where you will go. It is extremely and unequivocally depressing on a level I, simply put, cannot fathom. As stated previously, if I were insane, delusional or oppressed--I would solve the ultimate mystery just to find out the answer to the riddle not a single human being alive has the answer for. Curiosity killed the cat--what killed the human?

Mike [fourtecks]:
I know theres going to be some schmucks that would take this post as a joke but if you are feeling depressed or anything don't do anything stupid. We lost the creator of this mod last year and his final words he left behind are reminiscent to what you are saying here. Maybe I'm overlooking something here and taking it too serious, but this type of talk can be scary. If you need to talk we are here. I hear Loafie gives out free hugs too. ;)

Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
And Beerz. Hugs n Beerz ;)

Robert B.:
Na' it's just poetry.

Made some pretty amazing points though didn't I?


--- Quote ---If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.
--- End quote ---
(Job 14:4)

Our lives are as vapour, it appears for a little time then vanishes away.  This life we live is just a preface to eternity.  The question is, where will each of us spend eternity, with the Lord in heaven, or separated from Him forever in the lake of fire?

--- Quote ---Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
--- End quote ---
(John 5:24)

Spoken with love, Spoudazo. :)


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