Editing and Customization > Modding Help
Arch primitive block tool issue
Hey folks, I've been having issues with the Arch tool. Having used it before in CS:S, it used to give out a perfectly round brush or arc, but now, the right and left edges are all thinner and just plain ugly, despite the size of the brush (working in a grid of 16, tried 32 and 64 multiples as well.)
What am I doing wrong? I'm pretty sure this issue is fairly easy to fix, But I haven't found a way out of it yet.
You must create your arch on the grid "Top x/y" and not on others. Make your arch as if you were in the "Side x/z" and "Front y/z" and the form will be perfect. Just rotate your arch too fit in Side and Front grid and done :)
Got it, thanks!
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