Editing and Customization > General Discussion

This is Armoured-Fury but read what i have to say before banning me.

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I know that back then i was a dick, my mum had just died, my emotions were all over the place and, to be honest, i was in no position to keep working on this mod.

I saw somebody as a threat and i lashed out and i know that i shouldn't have done that. 

I also know that I've made one or two videos disputing the whole "who made what and when" thing but i seriously don't care anymore.

I just wish to tell you that I'm long over this silly dispute but if you wish to continue to go on hating me then that's fine.

You are good people, i can't name people here because i don't know who has left and who is still with you, but i respect your cause.

I know that i threatened to release your mod to the public but i had no intentions of doing so, i was just angry at how you had treated me.  Why wouldn't i release your mod?  Because i understand why you make it, i respect the fact that you do this because of "Nickster" and, had i released your mod, I'd have felt a lot of guilt.

So this is just me trying to make amends and trying to say that there are no hard feelings towards you, they were shit times but we all move on.

If you wish to ban me then go ahead, i just wanted to get some closure on the matter.


--- Quote from: CaptainCrazy on December 21, 2013, 04:46:14 pm ---I know that back then i was a dick, my mum had just died, my emotions were all over the place and, to be honest, i was in no position to keep working on this mod.

I saw somebody as a threat and i lashed out and i know that i shouldn't have done that. 

I also know that I've made one or two videos disputing the whole "who made what and when" thing but i seriously don't care anymore.

I just wish to tell you that I'm long over this silly dispute but if you wish to continue to go on hating me then that's fine.

You are good people, i can't name people here because i don't know who has left and who is still with you, but i respect your cause.

I know that i threatened to release your mod to the public but i had no intentions of doing so, i was just angry at how you had treated me.  Why wouldn't i release your mod?  Because i understand why you make it, i respect the fact that you do this because of "Nickster" and, had i released your mod, I'd have felt a lot of guilt.

So this is just me trying to make amends and trying to say that there are no hard feelings towards you, they were shit times but we all move on.

If you wish to ban me then go ahead, i just wanted to get some closure on the matter.

--- End quote ---

You get no sympathy from me. I hear this kind of excuse all the time and i dismiss it. Just because bad things happen in your life does not mean you can act like a pompus jackass. That is what a child does not an adult which is what you are. You have made countless videos stating that this team was a bunch of cunts and this an that. The Goldeneye Source team didn't treat you in any negative manner. When you signed up for this you knew damn well when you completed something for this mod that it would belong to the GES team even after you resigned from the team.

Hi Armored Fury. You're before my time, I only got involved with GE:S around 2009. Whilst I can't speak to how you behaved way back when, I do know plenty about the 'RCP90' situation.

On that subject the simple truth which cannot be stated more plainly than this is: Nobody has ever disputed that you created the RCP90 model. Nobody. JcFerggy just made a mistake when he posted the media and credited Baron. It was mistake that was never corrected because it happened in 2007 and went unnoticed for years. The entire drama surrounding it could have been simply avoided by pointing out the mistake and asking it be changed.

Besides that, welcome back to the forums.

Hello Fury - this is Kraid,
you might remember me, i remeber you for sure.
I cannot speak for the whole team, but i'm the last one who doesn't give someone a second chance.

Living in the past is never a good idea. (except for the good games we had there)

Hi Armoured Fury... I'm also a late comer to the mod, but I do know of you from the forums, and I've seen your YouTube rant... I understand how easy it is to lose yourself, to become bitter and aggressive, I lost my brother a few years ago so I know about loss as well. It takes a real man to apologies and admit when they're wrong, and I bet it took some courage too to come back on the forum and do so. Christmas can be difficult when a family member is no longer around, I cried just the other day over my brother... I hope despite your loss, you have a great Christmas... And welcome back to the forum :)

EDIT: You must be prepared for some negative responses, not everyone will be able to immediately forget, it will take some time, best thing you can do right now is just take it on the chin :)


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