Even though it's been a while since I've played Bypass, the only thing I'd ever notice is that the armor refilled your health and never added to the armor meter. I never noticed that the invulnerability system was turned off in that, so I'm not exactly sure if that means about me except I love going to the armor spawns to refill my health and armor to avoid dieing. lol I never found the system annoying in the original because all I ever played against was my dad which years ago I was okay, now I'm better than him due to me playing more often than him so it was just two on two between uneven players which both of us would go easy on the other who was worse to avoid hurting their feelings. xD Anyways because of this I've never been into a hardcore match on the original and never gave the invulnerability system much of a thought. Hell the only times I "hate" the system is when I hit someone who gains blood/paint and doesn't take the damage, but as someone else pointed out on another thread that wasn't because of the system but because of the game not sending the information that I hurt the player fast enough to me. And I've played CoD at my school and got into it as much as I could which wasn't that great because of the other students...so immature, always yelling at each other, disgusting name calling and conversations and just wasn't that enjoyable for me. Anyways I've played CoD and GE: Reloaded so I've got experience without the system and never noticed a difference...so is that a good thing? I think maybe if it was possible it should be an OPTION, NOT REMOVING for atleast LAN servers because as Imtnt said, he and his friends were newcomers. While the system works like it did in the original, I think it might not had been as noticeable as in here since well....this game supports like 8 times the amount of players, so I think newcomers notice more because they're shooting at more people in a shorter timespan compared to original. I always thought the system as sort of a balance so you couldn't just destroy a guy at full health with an AR33 or RCP-90, even as a kid (though maybe without realizing it or maybe because me and my dad didn't really choose Assault Rifles). I would like to know if it applied to soldiers in single player mode because I know it works on the player otherwise I'd be completely destroyed by soldiers like with the turrets on harder difficulties and was always grateful for it. The funny thing is I'd only think about that I was grateful for the system when I'm getting destroyed in a match in Source, but never think about how it was preventing me from killing someone, just assumed they had a lot of health or armor. lol
Anyways what I'm suggesting like Imtnt was, if it is possible, that the system could be OPTIONAL...I'm not exactly sure how to make it more obvious that I'm saying for it to be an OPTION because he said he wanted it as an OPTION for him and his friends and any newcomers that would enjoy it to play but then was backslashed with stuff about why the system should stay when he never asked for it to be removed completely.

I do not prepose that we split the audience but we do also need to look at newcomers so we don't keep the same audience size, and a lot of those newcomers are not hardcore GE64 fans that had tons of experience with the invulnerability system, some of them have more experience without it and if there's one thing I know about a good amount (not all) of CoD gamers, it's that they run away when something is completely different and don't try to adapt. Again a good amount, not saying that every CoD gamer does this, but a lot of them like having things the same, probably because a lot of the CoD games now are basically the same, though they have made changes with Ghosts that I've heard, I hope they begin to make changes to each game now.
When I got this game and got murdered on servers, I knew that I'd have to practice and play them over and over again to get better, though not everyone is like this, hell like only a couple of the CoD gamers at my school are because people get kicked left and right if they're doing good. Apparently to them if someone is beating them, they need to kick the person instead of just playing against them more often to get better, if they're camping or cheating or just using the grenade launcher add on (which is seriously OP and the RPG is like really weak O.o) then I understand, but when the person winning is playing fair then he shouldn't be kick. *facepalm*
ANYWAYS I'm not saying to let the invulnerability system go, but to add an option to turn it off on like LAN servers or maybe some sort of message that says that if you're annoyed at the invulnerability system, then to keep playing and try to get used to it instead of just rage quitting or something. I don't find it a problem, but as Imtnt has shown us, a good amount of newcomers do.

God I ramble a lot, sure hope I didn't lose anybody in there.