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Author Topic: New Gamemode ideas  (Read 8507 times)

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New Gamemode ideas
« on: July 14, 2013, 09:35:03 am »

Hey there, just found the mod and I am downloading it right now :)
At first: Sorry for my bad English... I hope you guys can understand me good enough :D

I've watched some videos and stuff and I loved the original Golden Eye.
However, I have a new Gamemode Idea, called "Virus".

In Virus you have to survive and if you got infected, you should try to infect the people that are still alive.
That's it, easy but SO MUCH FUN. I've played this mode like 8 Years ago in "Time Splitters 2" which is quite similar to Golden Eye.

Here you can watch some gameplay of this gamemode, I hope this will be in the game some time :)

Gameplay is kinda shit... but I didn't found better one, so... It's just for you guys to see how it would work.

Thanks for reading and please tell me what you think about it!


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Re: New Gamemode ideas
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2013, 01:34:25 pm »

Firt of all, welcome to our friendly little community.
We hope you'll enjoy this Game as much as we do.

As for your idea, i remember someone mentioned it here before but afaik no gamemode was created yet.

I guess a further detailing of the gamemode idea has to be done too.
For example it's very obviouse what the infected have to do to win the match,
but how are the non-infected supposed to win? Surviving a certain ammount of time?
Killing each infected several times (respawn limit)?

Also i guess that infected are unarmed, so what about an additional advantage like speed increase (28 days later FTW),
more or even regenerating health?

What if body hits would only slow them down and headshots are required to draw health/kill them?

What about initial team size? only one infected vs the rest or one infected every n players?
Randomly selected?

A lot of questions to think about before even considdering to code the mode.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 01:36:24 pm by kraid »


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Re: New Gamemode ideas
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2013, 01:51:19 pm »

The survivors have to survive a certain amount of time, yes.
In Time Splitters 2 you can also change the settings to "Last Man standing", what means: No time limit, last player alive wins.

Infected are unarmed, and faster, that's right.
Dunno if the should have more health. Maybe spawning with armor?
I think its hard enough to kill them when they have armor and full HP.

Randomly selection, yes... Maybe 1 infected for 3 survivors (or something like that)
But it worked fine with only 1 infected in Time Splitter 2 :)
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