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GES v4.2.3 Update In Release Testing!
Hello community,
I just want to let you all know that v4.2.3 is currently in release testing with RC1 being distributed to our active community members and the team. We will be running it through its paces over the next couple of days to iron out any last minute issues. Here is a brief list of things that are new in v4.2.3:
* GEUtil.PlaySoundFrom localizes the sound now to the immediate area
* Consolidated GEUtil.PlaySound functions
* Added GEPlayer.GetSteamID() to python API
* Added GEUtil.StopSound function
* Fixed justification in HUD Messages from Python
* Added several new temporary entities to GEUtil.CreateTempEnt
* Can submit server and client commands from python as if from console
* CTK: World kills now count as suicides
* Added Arsenal and Tournament DM from Troy
* Team Round Report scores are more readable
* Round Report title is localizable (and changes between round and match)
* Fixed round report showing incorrect information when switching game modes mid-match
* Added color hinting to HUD Messages
* Bot difficulty and turbo mode were added to the new server menu
* Fixed Ammo/Armor/Weapons respawning instantly with > 24 players
* Make projectiles pass through teammates (except when friendly fire is on)
* Added sniper rifle zoom in/out with the mouse wheel
* Fixed grenade launcher shells losing all velocity sometimes on bounce
[Gameplay / Misc]
* Add glow to capture areas
* Added Enable/Disable inputs for item_armorvest
* Toned down the screen flash after receiving damage
* Fixed overlapping of capture areas
* Added ge_endround_keepweapons command to keep the current weapon set across round transitions
* npc_mine is now separated into three different entities: npc_mine_remote, npc_mine_proximity, npc_mine_timed
* A convar to disable the open slot left when filling a server with bots
* Advanced music selection based on map defined areas
* Fixed loadout manager not selecting gameplay loadouts properly
Troy did an excellent job writing the new Tournament DM and GunGame (now called Arsenal)!
A ton of bug fixes were also incorporated and tweaks to the invulnerability period. The spawning system was also fixed so that you will no longer spawn in the middle of a fire fight. The overall result should be a much more balanced game with a focus on fun instead of luck.
Great job, Once more! Especially on the spawning system, That was one of the major flaws, Well done.
Well done KM, and well done Troy :)
Um... I didn't see anything about Bots being fixed though, have these issues been corrected?
Rick Astley:
Fantastic :-) man im getting excited now :D!!!
Nice one. Kudos to yourself, Troy and anyone else who was involved in any way in the making of this update. Hopefully this, along with the recent SeaNanners clip, will help boost the player base and get GE:S back into the spotlight again
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