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GES Python Library now on GitHub!
I wasn't rushing you...? I just was making a statement.
I've had a look at Arsenal on GitHub. There's two things that I've noticed:
1. Line 77 can be changed to this:
--- Code: ---
if weaponList != weaponListCopy
--- End code ---
(I highly doubt someone is going to change the CVar value of ar_randomweapons to 1 in the code itself. If they did, all that would happen when the admin reloaded the game mode is it would revert to the default list and then when re-shuffle the weapons on round begin. The same thing would happen if a game mode other than Arsenal was being played and then it was loaded in.)
2. Line 326 can be changed to this:
--- Code: ---
for i in range( self.GetLevel( player ) + 1, maxLevel ):
--- End code ---
Also, I don't like the fact that you're showing the final weapon if the player presses g after they've won the round. The Arsenal box shouldn't come up at all. Even though the player's weapon hasn't changed, they have already completed that level.
Thank you for the feedback. I incorporated those changes with exception to your last comment.
I noticed that TDM uses the old PlaySoundToTeam. I guess it should be changed to PlaySoundTo now.
I've made a change to Arsenal's PrintWeapon function:
--- Code: ---
def PrintWeapons( self, player ):
if not player or self.GetLevel( player ) > maxLevel:
arWeapons = ""
for i in range( self.GetLevel( player ), maxLevel ):
name = GEWeapon.WeaponPrintName( weaponList[i][0] )
arWeapons += "Level %i: #%s\n" % ( i + 1, name )
if arWeapons.count( ":" ) == 5:
arWeapons += "\nFinal level %i: #%s\n" % ( len( weaponList ), GEWeapon.WeaponPrintName( weaponList[-1][0] ) )
GEUtil.PopupMessage( player, "#GES_GP_ARSENAL_NAME", arWeapons )
--- End code ---
I do not like the function you made because it shows the next 5 levels and always the final level. This doesn't work because if you're on the final level, and press g, it shows that one. I've corrected that by always showing the current level, the next four levels and the final level. The reason I've chosen this route is because you have not bypassed your weapon, so it should show it in the popup window as you're still on it. This could be good for if you've joined a game late and you're wanting to know which level you're been given or if you've been stuck on a level and want to refresh your memory which it is. With my way, a return statement is only needed when the player wins the round. If you were to always show what's in the future, a return statement would have to be written for when the player's on the final weapon and when he has won the game. Also, if a player is on the final weapon, they're hitting g trying to find out what's left, and they're not seeing anything, they might get confused and wonder why nothing is happening.
I'd also like to note that making final weapon all capitalized like so "FINAL WEAPON" looked like hell. You've already drawn enough attention to that line with a double line break. That is plenty.
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