Editing and Customization > General Discussion

GamePlay Scenarios

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I don't understand this coding at all.

why doesn't this workkkkkkk

player.GiveNamedWeapon( "weapon_dd44", 0, True ) #first of all it insists on giving a clip even when I say 0
player.WeaponSwitch( "weapon_dd44" )
weapon = player.GetActiveWeapon() #even if I force to change
assert isinstance( weapon, GEWeapon.CGEWeapon ) #even if I insist
weapon.SetAmmoCount( 0 ) #says null
print (player.HasWeapon( "weapon_dd44) #even this shows False!

Add a coder on Steam.  Killer Monkey, Euphonic or myself.  One of us can address your problem.


--- Quote from: sylvanusx on March 20, 2013, 08:39:47 pm ---One in the Chamber: basically, everyone starts with one bullet in a golden ppc and knives. if you get a kill with that bullet or your knife, you get another bullet.  if you lose the bullet, you have none until you get another.  in the cod version you spectate after 3 lives.  I'm not sure if the bullet dynamics work such that you can spontaneously add a single bullet while still alive
--- End quote ---

I've started making this game mode.  It's called One Bullet is Enough.  I will have it done soon.

I've finished coding OBIE.  There will be an event hosted this Saturday for it.  I'll post more information in the GE:S Events Steam group.

that's awesome! I'm very excited to try it out


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